 Translation for 'video surveillance' from English to Russian
видеонаблюдение {с}video surveillance
Partial Matches
наблюдение {с} [особ. за подозреваемым в чем-л.]surveillance
видео {с} [нескл.]video
видеоигра {ж}
video game
видеозвонок {м}
video call
телетекст {м}
video text
видеожурналист {м}
video newsman
видеопоздравление {с}
video greeting
видеоприветствие {с}
video greeting
музыкальный видеоклип {м}
music video
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • In February 2014, Western Digital announced a new "Purple" line of hard disk drives for use in video surveillance systems, with capacities from 1 to 4 TB.
  • Some red-light districts (such as those in The Hague) are under video surveillance.
  • Security features that have been adopted include armed surveillance, Identity document checks, video surveillance, metal detectors and security searches to enforce rules that forbid spectators to carry dangerous or potentially dangerous items.
  • The Ministry wanted Van der Graaf under video surveillance 24 hours per day and isolated from other patients for his own safety.
  • In the United Kingdom, the vast majority of video surveillance cameras are not operated by government bodies, but by private individuals or companies, especially to monitor the interiors of shops and businesses.

  • Surveillance of the public using CCTV is common in many areas around the world. Video surveillance has generated significant debate about balancing its use with individuals' right to privacy even when in public.
  • According to the documentary, he was restricted to a small villa and placed under constant video surveillance, with medical supervision that included daily blood testing.
  • They have video surveillance to ensure passenger and staff security and to prevent acts of vandalism.
  • Techniques included the controversial covert video surveillance (CVS) in hospital of infant and child patients by police or specially trained nursing staff to observe the interactions of their parents with the children.
  • Face detection is used in biometrics, often as a part of (or together with) a facial recognition system. It is also used in video surveillance, human computer interface and image database management.

  • SIP-enabled video surveillance cameras can initiate calls to alert the operator of events, such as the motion of objects in a protected area.
  • Its existence has been confirmed by cases where parents have been caught on video surveillance actively harming their children, but its frequency is subject to debate as Meadow claimed to have destroyed the original data which he used to substantiate the law.
  • The HDcctv standard embodies the adaptation of SDI for video surveillance applications, not to be confused with TDI, a similar but different format for video surveillance cameras.
  • The Bulgarian team made a public statement that Kramnik visited his private bathroom (the only place without any audio or video surveillance) unreasonably often, about fifty times per game (a number that FIDE officials later claimed to be exaggerated) and made the most significant decisions in the game in the bathroom.
  • In addition, over a dozen stations are equipped with "Pedal & Park" fully enclosed areas protected with video surveillance and controlled door access, for improved security.

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