Translation for '
video text' from English to Russian
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
- West Laurel Hill was the first cemetery to map its grounds on a smart phone device, enabling visitors to search and navigate to grave locations, and access photos, video, text and other information.
- He documents his professional and sometimes personal life via video, text, and images on his blog.
- FreeSWITCH is a free and open-source telephony software for real-time communication protocols using audio, video, text and other forms of media.
- Process: The process of microlearning involves an integrated learning segment that could be in the form of in person session, video, text, followed by an assessment to gauge performance of the learner.
- The prospective format was later renamed WebVTT (Web Video Text Track).
- "Generator" was an interactive installation which allowed users to mix sound, video, text and graphics and make their own audio-visual mix, modelled on the techniques and technology used by Coldcut in clubs and live performance events.
- The first one, a news site combining daily video, text-based news and video commentaries, was introduced by the country’s leading web portal and second-biggest search engine and has quickly become the top online news media in the country.
- The service combined video, text and graphics with the screen divided into 4 parts: a video section displaying highlights and news bulletins, a breaking news ticker at the bottom and a scoring section for in-depth analysis of results and game stats.
- Similarly, Vanderbilt’s ISIS research lab has implemented a means to securely connect the smartphones to military-grade radios to secure chat, video, text and blue force tacking.
- The recording was made by an anonymous third-party who happened to be recording a video-text message at the time of the incident.
- As well as photography, Cole's approach to art includes the use of video, text and installation.
- 703 of 2000 as "an audiovisual conversation service providing bidirectional symmetric real-time transfer of motion video, text and voice between users in two or more locations".
- com, a recent publication that works with audio, video, text and photographs for its news and offers forums for public participation.
- The event received immediate and widespread media coverage, in video, text and image formats. The Press Association was responsible for the main text of many reports.
- Like other mobile-provider Internet home pages, 3's portal is 'free to browse' for some content in most 3 countries including Ireland, UK and Australia in most price plans; the user pays a fixed price for each video, text or application downloaded.
- This featured 32 KB of cache memory, some of which could be dedicated to a video text buffer in CGA mode (only supported by drivers in the FORTH or the CP/M environments; no known programs using the Sinclair-based BASIC mode used this feature).
- WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard for displaying timed text in connection with the HTML5 [...] element.
- 2010 August: Invited to participate in the ongoing aichi triennale in Nagoya, Japan, with a multi channel installation: video/ text/ image [...] and a public performance event: "lying down on the ground" at the aichi trielnnale, Nagoya, Japan.
- Currently, almost all video searchers are based on keywords (search by metadata) to perform searches.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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