 Translation for 'viola' from English to Russian
NOUN   a viola | violas
SYNO genus Viola | Viola
альт {м} [музыкальный инструмент]
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Translation for 'viola' from English to Russian

альт {м} [музыкальный инструмент]муз.
Usage Examples English
  • Borisovsky was also a viola d'amore player. He arranged, transcribed and edited more than 250 compositions for viola and viola d'amore.
  • The viola assumes a prominent role throughout the composition, as this instrument is intended to personify Kamila.
  • This article lists notable compositions within the viola repertoire.
  • Virginia Majewski (August 30, 1907 – October 9, 1995) was an American viola and viola d’amore player.
  • Johann Král (16 May 1823 – 10 June 1912) was a Czech-born player of the viola and viola d'amore.

  • He also composed several works for viola, including, in 1875, the first known American viola sonata, and another 12 more after that.
  • She has also arranged many works for viola and orchestra, violin and viola, and viola ensemble.
  • He made recordings of music for violin and viola, sometimes both on the same disc.
  • The Primrose International Viola Archive (PIVA) is the official viola archive of both the International Viola Society and American Viola Society.
  • She wrote a book designed for beginning viola students, "The First-Year Viola Method".

  • "Crete Songs" for baritone (or mezzo-soprano), viola and piano (1966), "Viola Fantasy" for viola solo (1979) and "St Andrews Solo" for viola solo (2009), the latter recorded by Martin Outram in 2012.
  • The cantata in six movements is scored for two soloists—soprano and bass—and four solo instruments: recorder, oboe, viola d'amore, viola da gamba and basso continuo.
  • Kreuz composed many works including pedagogical works for violin and viola, a viola concerto, songs, and chamber music, notably the "Prize Quintet" for horn (or viola) and string quartet, Op. 49.
  • From his works have survived sonatas for viola da gamba, viola d'amore and violoncello with basso continuo and also manuscript collections of instructive pieces and solo concertos for violoncello or viola da gamba and orchestra.
  • Now soloist on viola and viola d'amore, he lives in Paris.

  • Other popular books for viola by Whistler are "Introducing the Positions for Viola" (volumes 1 & 2), and "Essential Exercises and Etudes for Viola".
  • In 1959, Lukács published an important pedagogical work for viola: "Exercises in Change of Position for Viola, Advanced Grade" (Fekvésváltó gyakorlatok mélyhegedűre, felső fokon; Lagenwechsel-Übungen für Bratsche in der höheren Ausbildungsstufe).
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