 Translation for 'warmth' from English to Russian
NOUN   warmth | -
SYNO affectionateness | fondness | heat | ...
тепло {с}warmth
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Translation for 'warmth' from English to Russian

тепло {с}
Usage Examples English
  • "Warmth Concise Oxford English-Chinese Dictionary" (牛津現代簡明英漢雙解辭典) is published by warmth Co/Warmth Publishing Group in Taiwan.
  • ... men are associated with power and women are associated with warmth).
  • Groups’ perceived cooperativeness predicts their perceived warmth, and this dimension reflects the importance of intent.
  • The characteristic of Korean white porcelain is simplicity, warmth and elegance coming from it.
  • A WHWP heating cycle begins with warmth in the eastern North Pacific in the spring.

  • Ski helmets also help to provide warmth to the head since they incorporate an inner liner that traps warmth.
  • Following the suggestion of the head nurse Seo-jin, Su-mi visits the Neulbom hospice where an unexpected pleasure and warmth greets her and she begins to learn the warmth of the world.
  • The beige lower field represents warmth and community.
  • The grape requires sufficient warmth to ripen fully, but too much warmth and its flavours can become diluted.
  • Compassion-focused therapy is especially appropriate for people who have high levels of shame and self-criticism and who have difficulty in feeling warmth toward, and being kind to, themselves or others.

  • Arrieta and Goya are depicted naturalistically in a dim light, with the red bed-sheet at the bottom of the painting bringing warmth to the setting.
  • Despite conceptual independence, appraisals of warmth and competence are not fully independent.
  • Sibling warmth is a term for the degree of affection and companionship shared by siblings.
  • There is sincere warmth with which people treat both strangers and members of the community.
  • Since a baby travels from the darkness of the womb to light and is greeted by the love and warmth of the nursing and medical staff, and so, it was proposed, the dying brain could be recreating the passage through a tunnel to light, warmth and affection.

  • Prior to the blizzard, unprecedented and record-breaking warmth had enveloped the region, with record highs of above [...] recorded in several areas, including Central Park in New York City.
  • According to the Batak people, there are three sources of warmth for humans; Sun, Fire and Ulos.
  • In one account, he called on his ancestors for warmth; the fire was kindled on Whakaari and brought to him.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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