Translation for '
washbasin' from English to Russian
NOUN | a washbasin | washbasins | |
SYNO | basin | handbasin | lavabo | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- The ladies' cabin was fitted with two washbasins and all the other main deck cabins were fitted with their own washbasin.
- is a washbasin provided at the entrance to a holy place for visitors to purify themselves by the ritual washing of hands and rinsing of the mouth.
- Deluxe cars had a private bathroom (shower, washbasin and WC).
- A Drawing Room is a relatively rare accommodation for three people traveling together, again with a washbasin and private toilet, again on one side of the car.
- It was rebuilt over the centuries, it still retains the original jamb of the entrance door and a sarcophagus used as a washbasin (preserved in the sacristy).
- These are a portable washbasin and a pitcher that are passed around to wash hands during big banquets.
- Inside the temple, immediately against the pyramid wall is an offering hall where Jequier found a stone washbasin as well as stele or a false door of which only the foundations remain.
- The lavabo may be considered the forerunner of the modern sink. In several European languages (French, Italian, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Turkish), "lavabo" is the modern word for sink or washbasin.
- Each room had a separate pantry with a refrigerator/bar and a washbasin, physically separated from the rest of the room.
- On the side of the window is a marble washbasin, which is also the work of Benedetto da Maiano.
- It was claimed he had fainted in the bathroom, cracked his head against the washbasin and died of a cerebral haemorrhage.
- In 1983, the multicoloured washbasin LavarSet and the accompanying accessories range were exhibited at ISH in Frankfurt at a specially designed stand.
- The bathtub and washbasin are early fixtures, as are the towel rails.
- The name means "water-plain", and until the late 1970s, beside the stream that crosses the village, there was an ancient washbasin in local limestone.
- It is equipped with a separate alarm device (including automatic fire alarm and door opening), a telephone and a washbasin.
- The sacristy has a lavabo in white marble; it has dolphin motifs and a shell-shaped washbasin, similar to other lavabos in Bahia of the same period.
- The original clients, Edward and Greta Winter, had three stipulations only regarding the house design: that the house "not" have a flat roof; that there be no steps and that every bedroom have a washbasin.
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