 Translation for 'wedge tailed eagle' from English to Russian
NOUN   a wedge-tailed eagle | wedge-tailed eagles
клинохвостый орёл {м} [Aquila audax]
wedge-tailed eagle
Partial Matches
клин {м}wedge
непальский филин {м} [Bubo nipalensis]
forest eagle-owl / eagle owl
орёл {м}
орлица {ж}
female eagle
беркут {м} [Aquila chrysaetos]
golden eagle
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]
Verreaux's eagle
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]
(African) black eagle
пятнистый орляк {м} [Aetobatus narinari]
spotted eagle ray
гребенчатый орёл {м} [Lophaetus occipitalis]
long-crested eagle
фараонов филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]
pharaoh eagle-owl
пустынный филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]
pharaoh eagle-owl
молуккский орёл {м} [Aquila gurneyi]
Gurney's eagle
филин {м}
(Eurasian) eagle owl
новогвинейская гарпия {ж} [Harpyopsis novaeguineae]
New Guinea harpy eagle
короткохвостый канюк {м} [Buteo brachyurus]
short-tailed hawk
белохвостая пигалица {ж} [Vanellus leucurus]
white-tailed plover
белохвостая пигалица {ж} [Vanellus leucurus]
white-tailed lapwing
белобрюхий рябок {м} [Pterocles alchata]
pin-tailed sandgrouse
длиннохвостая синица {ж} [Aegithalos caudatus]
long-tailed tit
земляной шмель {м} [Bombus terrestris]
buff-tailed bumblebee
21 translations
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Translation for 'wedge tailed eagle' from English to Russian

wedge-tailed eagle
клинохвостый орёл {м} [Aquila audax]орн.T

клин {м}
forest eagle-owl / eagle owl
непальский филин {м} [Bubo nipalensis]орн.T
орёл {м}зоол.T
female eagle
орлица {ж}зоол.орн.
golden eagle
беркут {м} [Aquila chrysaetos]зоол.T
Verreaux's eagle
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]орн.T
(African) black eagle
кафрский орёл {м} [Aquila verreauxii]орн.T
spotted eagle ray
пятнистый орляк {м} [Aetobatus narinari]ихтио.T
long-crested eagle
гребенчатый орёл {м} [Lophaetus occipitalis]орн.T
pharaoh eagle-owl
фараонов филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]орн.T

пустынный филин {м} [Bubo ascalaphus]орн.T
Gurney's eagle
молуккский орёл {м} [Aquila gurneyi]орн.T
(Eurasian) eagle owl
филин {м}зоол.T
New Guinea harpy eagle
новогвинейская гарпия {ж} [Harpyopsis novaeguineae]орн.T
short-tailed hawk
unverified короткохвостый канюк {м} [Buteo brachyurus]орн.T
white-tailed plover
белохвостая пигалица {ж} [Vanellus leucurus]орн.T
white-tailed lapwing
белохвостая пигалица {ж} [Vanellus leucurus]орн.T
pin-tailed sandgrouse
белобрюхий рябок {м} [Pterocles alchata]орн.T
long-tailed tit
длиннохвостая синица {ж} [Aegithalos caudatus]орн.T
buff-tailed bumblebee
земляной шмель {м} [Bombus terrestris]энтом.T
Usage Examples English
  • The arms, uniquely in Australia, incorporate all of the territory's floral, animal and bird emblems: the Sturt's desert rose ("Gossypium sturtianum"), red kangaroo ("Megaleia rufa") and wedge-tailed eagle ("Aquila audax").
  • The grey currawong has been recorded harassing larger birds such as the wedge-tailed eagle, square-tailed kite and Australian hobby.
  • Aggressive and territorial, the willie wagtail will often harass much larger birds such as the laughing kookaburra and wedge-tailed eagle.
  • The West Coast Eagles AFL football club from Western Australia uses a stylised wedge-tailed eagle as their club emblem.
  • The La Trobe University Coat of Arms incorporates the scallop shells from the La Trobe family bearings, the Australian wedge-tailed eagle to represent Australia, and sprigs of heath to represent Victoria.

  • Larger species include the wedge-tailed eagle, greater sooty owl, sulphur-crested cockatoo and superb lyrebird.
  • Black cockatoos, a rare turquoise parrot and a wedge-tailed eagle can be found circling the surrounding cliffs in search of prey.
  • Bunjil, also spelt Bundjil, is a creator deity, culture hero and ancestral being, often depicted as a wedge-tailed eagle in Australian Aboriginal mythology of some of the Aboriginal peoples of Victoria.
  • Eaglehawk is another name for the wedge-tailed eagle.
  • The Koori people of Victoria knew Beta and Gamma Aquilae as the black swan wives of "Bunjil" (Altair), the wedge-tailed eagle.

  • Native predators of the woylie include the wedge-tailed eagle ("Aquila audax"), a large raptor thought to have been a significant influence on their mortality.
  • The wedge tailed eagle was chosen due to its "keenness of sight and ability to roam over large distances".
  • The You Yangs are home to a geoglyph of Bunjil, a Dreamtime creator deity to some of the Indigenous people of Victoria, depicted as an wedge-tailed eagle.
  • The Tasmanian tiger or thylacine was one such program that caused extinction, whilst the Tasmanian devil, spotted quoll, and Tasmanian wedge-tailed eagle all became seriously threatened by bounties.
  • It features heraldic dolphin supporters, a wedge-tailed eagle rising from a mural crown as the crest, a flannel flower within a green shield, and the Latin motto, "Arte et Labore" ("by Skill and Labour").

  • Surmounting the badge is a wedge-tailed eagle. "Per Ardua Ad Astra" is attributed with the meaning "Through Adversity to the Stars" and is from Sir Henry Rider Haggard's novel "The People of the Mist".
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