Translation for '
whimbrel' from English to Russian
NOUN | a whimbrel | whimbrels | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- This island is a natural habitat for many birds, like the great knot, red-necked stint, dunlin, whimbrel, bar-tailed godwit and the common sandpiper. Beluga whales are common off its northern waters.
- The most typical species on the heath are European golden plover, meadow pipit and northern wheatear but rock ptarmigan, Eurasian dotterel and Eurasian whimbrel are also fairly common sights.
- The bird in question was found by an unknown birdwatcher on Monday 4 May 1998 and was first identified as a whimbrel.
- The region is important resting and feeding stop for long-distance migratory birds such as the ruddy turnstone ("Arenaria interpres"), spotted sandpiper ("Actitis macularia"), and whimbrel ("Numenius phaeopus").
- During spring migratory birds arrive for the summer at the estuary, including the bar-tailed godwit, red knot, Pacific golden plover, Japanese snipe, wandering tattler and whimbrel.
- Eurasian curlew, whimbrel, greater flamingo, great crested tern, Sandwich tern, white-winged black tern can be spotted during February and March.
- The common whimbrel was traditionally considered a sub-cosmopolitan bird, breeding in Russia and Canada, then migrating to coasts all around the world to spend the winter.
- Other notable visitors include spoonbill, Sandwich tern and Eurasian whimbrel.
- Birds seen at the site include; skylark, reed and sedge warblers, Eurasian whimbrel, whitethroat and reed bunting.
- Wildlife is plentiful with many examples of rare birds of Great Britain, such as the black grouse [...] , Eurasian whimbrel and Eurasian curlew.
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