Translation for '
wine rack' from English to Russian
NOUN | a wine rack | wine racks | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
16 translations
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Usage Examples English
- A wine rack is a set of shelves for the organized storage of wine.
- Thresher Group, which then already had around 2,000 UK stores, including Wine Rack, Victoria Wines and Bottoms Up – were to convert its 200 Unwins stores into the Threshers brand.
- They later experimented rebranding some stores 'Thresher + Food' to offer premium ready meals, but after the experiment proved unsuccessful, those stores were eventually reverted to either the 'Thresher's' or 'Wine Rack' brands.
- Vinotemp currently owns the brands Epicureanist, Element, Wine-Mate, Cellartec, Apex (a high-end wine rack manufacturer that Vinotemp purchased in 2010), and Sonoma Wine Hardware.
- A terracotta frieze with wine rack reliefs surrounds the whole building.
- From 2013 to April 2018, it was owned by Conviviality plc, who also owned the Wine Rack chain. Both brands were acquired by Bestway on 6 April 2018.
- In 2005, the Group acquired Batley's plc, and in 2010 purchased Bellevue and Martex. In April 2018, Bestway acquired the Bargain Booze and Wine Rack brands for £7m.
- Under the provisions of the Act, alcohol is still sold by the province at the LCBO, but also sold by non-government locations like The Beer Store (as Brewers Warehousing Company Limited in 1927); the Wine Rack and Vineyard Estates/Wine Country started as retail stores of Vincor and Andrew Peller wineries respectively before the province restricted growth of winery stores in 1987.
- Gianni leaves Lola to deal with Frank; which results in Frank killing her by impaling her on a wine rack with sharp metal points.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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