 Translation for 'zodiac' from English to Russian
NOUN1   the zodiac [zodiacal belt] | -
NOUN2   a zodiac [representation of the zodiac] | zodiacs
зодиак {м}
знак {м} зодиака
sign of the zodiac
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Translation for 'zodiac' from English to Russian

зодиак {м}астрон.эзот.

sign of the zodiac
знак {м} зодиакаастрон.эзот.
Usage Examples English
  • In the Japanese zodiac and the Tibetan zodiac, the Pig is referred to as the boar.
  • (2011) "Circle of Animals/Zodiac Heads" are sculptures of zodiac animals inspired by the water clock-fountain at the Old Summer Palace.
  • Every year the sun describes an imaginary circle around the earth, called the zodiac. The zodiac is divided in twelve segments, each denoted by a sign associated with a constellation.
  • The signs of the zodiac are in anticlockwise order around the inner zodiac dial: the zodiac wheel rotates clockwise with the hour hand but very slightly faster.
  • In the Vietnamese zodiac, the cat replaces the Rabbit in the Chinese zodiac.

  • The concept of the Zodiac Man dates to the Hellenistic era in which the earliest exposition appears in Manilius's Astronomica (II. ...
  • However this fiducial point is difficult to determine because while there is no ambiguity about the tropical zodiac used by western astrologers, the same cannot be said of the sidereal zodiac used by Vedic astrologers.
  • The monkey is part of the Chinese zodiac. That zodiac has been used for centuries in Japan and led to many representations of the macaque for that figure.
  • The zodiac symbols have several astronomical interpretations. Depending on context, a zodiac symbol may denote either a constellation, or a point or interval on the ecliptic plane.
  • The Burmese zodiac (...) is the traditional Burmese system of astronomy and astrology.

  • Hindu astrology divides the zodiac into several types of segments; these subtle divisions or divisional charts are called Vargas and are said to be the various micro-zodiacs created within the natural macro-zodiac, the Horoscope.
  • In astronomy there are 13 star constellations in the zodiac (including Ophiuchus); this can be compared with astrology where there are 12 signs of the zodiac.
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