Translation for '
zone' from English to Russian
NOUN | a zone | zones | |
VERB | to zone | zoned | zoned zoning | zones | |
SYNO | geographical zone | to district | to partition | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
7 translations
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Usage Examples English
- As in 2018, Malaysia has 70 fully residential schools which are later divided into five zones, namely Northern Zone, Central Zone, Southern Zone, Eastern Zone and SQL Zone.
- The SEZ is divided into three zones, namely industrial zone, logistics zone and Export Processing Zone.
- In North America, the stage encompassed four conodont biozones: the "Rhachistognathus muricatus" Zone (youngest), "Adetognathus unicornis" Zone, "Cavusgnathus naviculus" Zone, and "Gnathodus bilineatus" Zone (in part, oldest).
- The competition features five teams each representing a region (or "zone") of India: Central Zone, East Zone, North Zone, South Zone and West Zone.
- 32 teams entered the Europe Zone, competing across 2 sub-zones. The winners of each sub-zone went on to compete in the Inter-Zonal Zone against the winners of the Americas Zone and Eastern Zone.
- There are three zones : Service Zone, Reception zone and Red Zone.
- Terms include free port (porto Franco), free zone (zona franca), bonded area (US: foreign-trade zone), free economic zone, free-trade zone, export processing zone and maquiladora.
- The zone for Hawaii as given by of the IANA time zone database. Columns marked * are from the
- The project area has four bio geographic zones: Flood Plain Zone, Older Alluvial Terrace Zone, Valley Slopes and Bluff Zone, and the Upland Zone.
- In 2007 the zone was merged into the Northern Zone and ceased to exist.
- There are four ocean zones: the Sunlight zone, the Twilight zone, the Midnight zone, and the Abyssal zone.
- In November 1942, the "zone libre" was invaded by the German and Italian armies in "Case Anton", as a response to Operation Torch, the Allied landings in North Africa.
- The following zones of infection have been described (superficial to deep): the bacterial zone, the neutrophil rich zone, the necrotic zone and the spirochetal zone.
- Each player controls an area containing 3 zones, each representing a different phase of production.
© Russian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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