 Translation for 'common chiffchaff' from English to Serbian
NOUN   a common chiffchaff | common chiffchaffs
обични звиждак {м} [Phylloscopus collybita]
(common) chiffchaff
обична крастача {ж} [Bufo bufo]
common toad
европска буква {ж} [Fagus sylvatica]
common beech
(обична) зимовка {ж} [Pyrrhula pyrrhula]
common bullfinch
дивља љубичица {ж} [Viola odorata]
common violet
зелена анаконда {ж} [Eunectes murinus]
(common) anaconda
лимуновац {м} [Gonepteryx rhamni]
(common) brimstone [butterfly]
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Usage Examples English
  • Some birds, such as the common chiffchaff of Eurasia and the Wilson's warbler Other birds are more methodical in their approach to gleaning, even seeming lethargic as they perch upon and deliberately pick over foliage.
  • These birds were formerly considered subspecies of the common chiffchaff but separated due to their morphological, bioacoustical, and mtDNA sequence differences.
  • The isolation of Alphonse acts as a magnet to migratory birds and Seychelles Bird Records Committee has recorded more bird species here than anywhere south of the granitics apart from Aldabra, including the only record of sociable lapwing for the entire southern hemisphere and the first country records of red knot, tufted duck and common chiffchaff.
  • These names were often shared with other warblers including the blackcap, common whitethroat and common chiffchaff.
  • The common chiffchaff's English name is onomatopoeic, referring to the repetitive " [...] " song of the European subspecies.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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