 Translation for '4E' from English to Serbian
заувек {adv}forever <4E>
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Translation for '4E' from English to Serbian

forever <4E>
заувек {adv}
Usage Examples English
  • Bhoutan, Guides Olizane, Genève, (4e édition revue et corrigée).
  • Based in Clermont-Ferrand. Former 4e brigade aéromobile.
  • In 1934, the three command vehicles of the 4e GAM and 18e dragons of 4e DC were rebuilt as AMR 33 TSF ("Télégraphie Sans Fil" or "wireless") by fitting them with an ER29 radio set, the antenna of which was placed on the left back corner of the hull.
  • Subsequently, the 4e System Reference Document is quite different.
  • The cell reaction for a lead/oxygen cell is: 2Pb + O2 → 2PbO, made up of the cathode reaction: O2 + 2H2O + 4e− → 4OH−, and anode reaction: 2Pb + 4OH− → 2PbO + 2H2O + 4e−.

  • (Bijdr. v. vaderl. gesch. en oudhk. 4e Ser. 1, III-IV).
  • The 4e Escadre de Chasse 4e EC or 4th Fighter Wing (...) is a fighter unit (...) formation of the French Air and Space Force.
  • This groupmemt merged with the 4th Foreign Infantry Regiment 4e REI.
  • Recreated in 1929 under the designation of 4e bataillon de dragons portés 4e BDP, the regiment was formed at Trèves from elements of the 4e groupe de chasseurs cyclistes.
  • On 1 September 1990 the chef d'état major de l'armée de terre CEMAT, created from the 4e Régiment de dragons 4e RD and the 503e Régiment de chars de combat, a regiment composed of 80 Leclerc tanks in two squadron groups (GE).

  • The unit was renamed the 4th Air Infantry Battalion (4e B.I.A) on November 1, 1943 and in February 1943 transferred to the command of Commandant Pierre-Louis Bourgoin, an amputee who had lost his arm during a reconnaissance mission in Tunisia.
  • The "4e régiment de Zouaves" especially participated in the liberation of La Rochelle.
  • Appelcline wrote that "two months before the release of "Elminster's Forgotten Realms", "Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue" (2012), appeared as an edition-neutral sourcebook, marking the end of the D&D 4e era (2008-2012).
  • The cathode reduction half-reaction is [...] + [...] + 4e− → [...] +0.40 V.
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