 Translation for 'Androgeus' from English to Serbian
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NOUN   Androgeus | -
Андрогеј {м}
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Translation for 'Androgeus' from English to Serbian

Андрогеј {м}мит.
Usage Examples English
  • According to Diodorus Siculus, Aegeus killed Androgeus out of fear that the latter would support the sons of Pallas against him.
  • During a wrestling bout, Cassibelanus's nephew Hirelglas is killed by Androgeus's nephew Cuelinus.
  • "Papilio androgeus", the Androgeus swallowtail, queen page, or queen swallowtail, is a Neotropical butterfly of the family Papilionidae.
  • Minos' son Androgeus won every game in a contest hosted by Aegeas of Athens.
  • All the stories agree that prince Androgeus, son of King Minos, died and that the fault lay with the Athenians. The sacrifice of young Athenian men and women was a penalty for his death.

  • Androgeos or Androgeus (Ancient Greek: Ἀνδρόγεως, [...] derived from "andros" "of a man" and "geos", genitive "gē" "earth, land") was the name of two individuals in Classical mythology.
  • According to tradition, Androgeus, son of Minos, was murdered here; his murder led to the custom of sacrificing seven boys and seven girls a year to the Minotaur.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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