 Translation for 'Asia' from English to Serbian
NOUN   Asia | -
Азија {ж}
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Translation for 'Asia' from English to Serbian

Азија {ж}гео.
Usage Examples English
  • Individuals with Australo-Melanesian phenotypes existed possibly also in East Asia (in and toward the south of East Asia) at least since Middle Paleolithic, but were largely displaced by migrations of Eastern Eurasian rice farmers since Neolithic, who may have spread from Central China to Southeastern Asia during Mesolithic and Neolithic and after adopting farming to the rest of Southeast Asia and Oceania.
  • "Doleschallia bisaltide", the autumn leaf, is a nymphalid butterfly found in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australasia. In Australia it is also known as the leafwing.
  • The Eurasian nomads were a large group of nomadic peoples from the Eurasian Steppe, who often appear in history as invaders of Europe, Western Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Asia, and South Asia.
  • The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program is a program established in 1997 by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to encourage economic cooperation among countries in Central Asia and nearby parts of Transcaucasia and South Asia.
  • Mainland Southeast Asia contrasts with Maritime Southeast Asia, mainly through the division of largely land-based lifestyles in Indochina and the sea-based lifestyles of the Indonesian archipelago and Philippine archipelago, as well as the dividing line between the Austroasiatic, Tai–Kadai, and Sino-Tibetan languages (spoken in Mainland Southeast Asia) and the Austronesian languages (spoken in Maritime Southeast Asia).

  • Species of the genus "Emydocephalus" are found in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australasia.
  • In Malaysia, the series aired on PRIMEtime for eight seasons, then moved to Universal Channel Asia and AXN asia.
  • It is most commonly found in males originating from northern Eurasia.
  • The Journal focuses on the main sub-regions of Asia – Central and West Asia; South Asia; Northeast Asia; Southeast Asia; and Australasia.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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