Translation for '
ambulance' from English to Serbian
NOUN | an ambulance | ambulances | |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- In March 2011, after a concerted fundraising and significant contribution by the Wellington Free Ambulance Trust, the Newtown Regional Ambulance Station was opened in the new Wellington Hospital grounds.
- The ambulance fleet consisted of four specific ambulance wagons, which were equipped with two-way radio equipment.
- The ambulance service in Guildford was provided by St John Ambulance until 1966, when the county council set up its own service.
- The Metropolitan Toronto Department of Ambulance Services was created in 1975, and absorbed the five remaining private ambulance companies and single provincial service, providing a single, unified ambulance service in Metro Toronto.
- The major hospital in Hereford is the Hereford County Hospital. Ambulance services are provided by the West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust.
- In 2008, St John Ambulance stationed an ambulance in Kupiano, making it the first rural region in the country to have ambulance service.
- Mohawk Ambulance Service is the largest privately owned ambulance service in upstate New York.
- It is using the South Central Ambulance Service's computer system for ambulance dispatches to improve the performance of the ambulance service on the island.
- Healthcare and ambulance response services in Devizes are provided by the National Health Service. South Western Ambulance Service have an ambulance station in Devizes.
- Typically a Lieutenant Colonel commanded each ambulance. All officers of the ambulance were medical doctors or surgeons. Dental units were often attached to the ambulance as well.
- NWAS was formed on 1 July 2006, following the merger of four previous services (Cumbria Ambulance Service; Lancashire Ambulance Service; Cheshire and Mersey Ambulance Service; and Greater Manchester Ambulance Service) as part of Health Minister Lord Warner's plans to combine ambulance services.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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