 Translation for 'as always' from English to Serbian
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као увек {adv}as always
увек {adv}always
како {adv} {prep} {conj}as
док {adv} {prep} {conj}as
кад {adv} {prep} {conj}as
као {adv} {prep} {conj}as
чим {adv} {prep} {conj}as
такође {adv}as well
8 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • The Bill pushes for future laws and regulations in terms of new building. As always, the cultural and environmental sites will be heavily recognized as a factor for consideration.
  • As always with medieval battles, losses are difficult to assess with any precision.
  • The action is cubic and includes a midpoint insertion whose kernel is trivial. As always within the pure-spinor formulation, the Ramond sector can be easily treated.
  • The concert also displayed the band on the cusp between being a cult band and their major market penetration. As always with The Clash, ticket and merchandise prices were set relatively low.
  • But, as always, the Germans were unable to supply the engine as every example coming off the line was needed for installation in a German airframe.

  • As always with folklore, there are many different versions of this story.
  • As always, laboratory values have to be interpreted with the lab's reference values in mind and considering all aspects of the individual clinical situation.
  • When the plasma rises from the foot points towards the loop top, as always occurs during the initial phase of a compact flare, it is defined as chromospheric evaporation.
  • His work with Mary Brazier is referred to in Avis DeVoto's "As Always, Julia".
  • A TM is updated with a new translation when it has been accepted by the translator. As always in updating a database, there is the question what to do with the previous contents of the database.

  • Instead of seeing religion and science as 'always in conflict' they rather view it through the lenses of various cultural dimensions to the relations between religion and science.
  • In corpora of contemporary spoken English, some adverbs such as "always" and "completely" appear more often in the split position than the unsplit.
  • If two names are given, the first denotes the original describer of the "species", the second the author on whom the given name combination is based. As always in zoological nomenclature, putting an author's name in parentheses denotes that the taxon was originally described in a different genus.
  • The manifesto, entitled "The Manicfesto", for the 2005 general election featured the major commitment of their long held pledge to abolish income tax, citing as always that it was only meant to be a temporary measure during the Napoleonic Wars.
  • SIMD extensions were added, and VLIW and the superscalar architecture appeared. As always, the clock-speeds have increased; a 3 ns MAC now became possible.

  • by some scientific communities. As always, astral projection is left up to interpretation by the individual who has such experiences; leaving modern day science with several unanswered questions.
  • belongs to the topology, and as always, both [...] and [...] belong to the topology.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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