Translation for '
ask' from English to Serbian
NOUN | an ask | asks | |
VERB | to ask | asked | asked asking | asks | |
SYNO | to ask | to call for | to demand | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
3 translations
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Usage Examples English
- Eventually they fall for each other but when "Aşk" intends to ask for her hand in marriage from elders of the clan, he is ridiculed by the elders and asked to bring "kimyâ" ("chemistry") from the land of "Kalb" ("Heart") if he intends to be with "Hüsn".
- The numerical difference between the bid and ask prices is referred to as the bid–ask spread. Most worldwide markets operate on a bid-ask-based system.
- Mixner was featured in Ask Not, a 2008 documentary film about the "don't ask, don't tell" policy.
- The highest bid and the lowest ask are referred to as the top of the book.
- “The Gesamtausgabe is intended to guide people to take up the question, to ask it and, above all, to ask it in a more questioning way”.
- In 2017, Sesno published "Ask More: The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Spark Change" with a foreword by Wolf Blitzer.
- Ask them to describe the lights to you. You must ask about the colour of the lights.
- The Rabbis taught in a Baraita that if a child is intelligent enough to ask the four questions, the child asks them.
- Ask price, also called offer price, offer, asking price, or simply ask, is the price a seller states they will accept.
- In Godella, a municipality in the Province of Valencia, a blind man and a young girl ask for charity in a street.
- On one occasion, a palace official wanted a favour from Sima Zhi but was afraid to ask him directly, so he requested Dong Zhao, an uncle of Sima Zhi's wife, to ask on his behalf.
- Bundoo is a parenting website that publishes articles on pregnancy, pediatrics, and parenting. It provides an ask-the-doctor service through Ask Bundoo.
- Questions you've always wanted to ask is when Chrissie, Sam and Browny ask celebrities or sports people questions they've always wanted to ask them.
- From 1931 until 1940, Baumanis was a head coach of the army team Rīgas ASK.
- Galvanovskis played professional basketball for Latvian teams VEF Rīga, ASK Rīga, Princips, Bonus, Metropole, ASK/Brocēni/LMT and BK Gulbenes Buki. He also played for Latvian National Team.
- FunTrivia also pioneered the "Ask a Question" model in early 2000, in which visitors could ask a trivia question and receive answers from other guests.
- Baxter: I did not ask you whether you like them; I ask you whether there were any about that night.
- Metathesis is responsible for some common speech errors, such as children acquiring "spaghetti" as "pasketti".
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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