 Translation for 'asphyxia' from English to Serbian
асфиксија {ж}
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Translation for 'asphyxia' from English to Serbian

асфиксија {ж}мед.
Usage Examples English
  • On May 23, 2011, the medical examiner ruled that Brooks had killed himself, citing asphyxia by helium.
  • Positional asphyxia, also known as postural asphyxia, is a form of asphyxia which occurs when someone's position prevents the person from breathing adequately.
  • He died on January 5, 1887, in poverty, of asphyxia in Chicago, Illinois.
  • High doses of voacangine produce convulsions and asphyxia.
  • An occasional cause of accidental death in humans, inert gas asphyxia with gases including helium, nitrogen, methane and argon has been used as a suicide method.

  • Sauvageau and Boghossian propose in 2010 that mechanical asphyxia should be officially defined as caused by "restriction of respiratory movements, either by the position of the body or by external chest compression", thus encompassing only positional asphyxia and traumatic asphyxia.
  • Self-induced suspension bondage may involve autoerotic asphyxia.
  • Asphyxia directly causes basal ganglia damage due to lack of oxygen and therefore, insufficient nutrient supply.
  • Autopsy showed that all 25 victims had clear signs of asphyxia, and had injuries on their heads and fingers from attempts to break the covers, but they had no fatal injuries.
  • The first autopsy done by Singapore pathologists concluded that Maga died of asphyxia due to strangulations which was disputed by the Philippines' National Bureau of Investigation experts.

  • Most common causes of depleted glycogen stores are starvation and asphyxia-perinatal stress.
  • 1st autopsy: accidental, positional asphyxia.
  • Preterm infants may receive a lower score in these categories due to lack of maturity rather than asphyxia.
  • Many of the casualties were recorded as having died from "asphyxia by crushing" or "traumatic asphyxia".
  • The effects of fetal asphyxia on the developing brain in sheep are dependent on gestational age with near term fetuses showing both less tolerance of asphyxia and maximal damage in the rapidly expanding cortex; while fetuses prior to the last third of development experience more extended tolerance of asphyxia with maximal effects on the growing mid-brain.

  • "Asphyx" refers to Old Greek "asphyxía", "lack of pulse", or English asphyxiation.
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