 Translation for 'associate' from English to Serbian
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NOUN1   an associate | associates
NOUN2   Associate | Associates
VERB   to associate | associated | associated
associating | associates
SYNO associate | associate degree | companion | ...
сарадник {м}associate
1 translation
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Translation for 'associate' from English to Serbian

сарадник {м}
Usage Examples English
  • The two most commonly awarded associate degrees are the Associate of Arts (sometimes "Associate in Arts") (AA) and Associate of Science (sometimes "Associate in Science") (AS) degrees.
  • RRCC offers 650 courses in 150 subject areas. It awards four associate degrees: Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of General Studies and Associate of Applied Science.
  • St. Thomas's has two full-time priests (Rector and Associate Priest), who are assisted by honorary associate priests. There is also a Director of Music and Associate Organist.
  • There were also Premium Associate and Associate members of FlexRay consortium.
  • Anguilla is a member of CARICOM (associate), CDB, International Criminal Police Organization - Interpol (subbureau), OECS (associate) and ECLAC (associate).

  • AMS is led by an administrator assisted by an associate and deputy associate administrator.
  • At Stanford, Keith became an associate professor of pharmacology while Eva worked as a research associate.
  • He has been a senior associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (since 2019), an associate editor of the SIAM Journal of Imaging Sciences (since 2018), a founding associate editor of Elsevier NeuroImage Reports (since 2020), an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2006-2009), and an associate editor of the IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2004-2006).
  • From 2002-2004, Babcock-Lumish served as an associate fellow and research associate at the Rothermere American Institute.
  • In 1961, Batzel became associate director of chemistry and was also named associate director of nuclear testing, a position he held until 1964.

  • The court is made up of a chief justice and four associate justices.
  • Kwei was an associate producer on "The Meg", a 2018 shark thriller starring Jason Statham and Li Bingbing that has grossed more than $530 million worldwide.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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