Translation for '
assume' from English to Serbian
VERB | to assume | assumed | assumed assuming | assumes | |
SYNO | to accept | to acquire | to adopt | ... |
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
1 translation
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Usage Examples English
- Serial accounts assume that humans construct only one of the possible interpretations at first and try another only if the first one turns out to be wrong.
- Notice, we assume here, that all last names appear only once (or we should use SELECT DISTINCT since we assume that relations and answers are sets, not bags).
- It is not necessary to assume that "f" is defined on the whole of the wedges: it is enough to assume that it is defined near the edge.
- This method is a general device to obtain a conditional probability model of a binary variable: if we assume that the distribution of the error term is Logistic, we obtain the logit model, while if we assume that it is the Normal, we obtain the probit model and, if we assume that it is the logarithm of a Weibull distribution, the complementary log-log model.
- Unaware of the holiday's customs, The Munsters assume they are partying with other freaks and weirdos.
- The proposed transition state shows that the substrate will try to assume a conformation which minimizes the allyic strain.
- In 2010, Captain Marcia Lyons would assume command of Naval Health Clinic New England from Wagner, only to be relieved of duty by her in 2012.
- A strong advantage of the ACE procedure is the ability to incorporate variables of quite different type in terms of the set of values they can assume.
- Parametric statistics that assume no error often fail on such mixture densities – for example, statistics that assume normality often fail disastrously in the presence of even a few outliers – and instead one uses robust statistics.
- The death per billion hours when skydiving assume a 6 minutes skydive (not accounting for the plane ascent).
- Unlike some problem solving methods that assume that all the relevant issues and constraints and goals that constitute the problem are defined in advance or are uncontroversial, PSMs assume that there is no single uncontested representation of what constitutes the problem.
- In 1879, the 13th Dalai Lama was enthroned, but did not assume full temporal control until 1895, after the National Assembly of the Tibetan Government (tshongs 'du rgyas 'dzom) unanimously called for him to assume power.
- Kajang people do not recognize social stratification, they assume men are all equal.
- In addition, any protocol running over IP cannot assume the underlying network has guaranteed ordering, any more than it can assume congestion cannot occur.
- Both sociological institutionalism and historical institutionalism would argue against the suggestion that we can assume that actors have exogenous preferences (the notion that we can assume the preferences of actors).
- Assume a uniform cloud that extends infinitely in the horizontal plane, also assume that the particle size distribution peaks near an average value of [...].
- For the remainder of the development, we assume the light source is a laser, so that we can assume [...] holds, following from the coherence properties of laser light.
- Alternatively, some stories assume one of Superman's female descendants would assume the name "Superwoman", like his daughter Kara and great-granddaughter Lara from the Elseworlds series, "Superman & Batman: Generations".
- Unfortunately, this term is somewhat ambiguous as some references assume a message length [...] while others assume a message length of [...].
- Now, we assume that the center is within reach of the edge of the strip, and calculate [...]. To simplify the calculation, we can assume that [...].
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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