Translation for '
awake' from English to Serbian
ADJ | awake | more awake | most awake | |
VERB | to awake | awoke / awaked | awoken / awaked awaking | awakes | |
SYNO | alert | alive | awake | ... |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Marin is interested in awake surgery, where the patient remains awake during the operation and only local anesthesia is used rather than general anaesthesia.
- An even lighter type of sleep has been seen in rats that have been kept awake for long periods of time.
- As a tradition, the hangman has to spend the eve of the execution awake.
- Life's smiling charities awake and joys abound.
- And most of the men awake.
- Usually, people who are night owls stay awake past midnight, and extreme night owls may stay awake until just before or even after dawn.
- It is important to note that although there is a variety of methods related to sleeping, lucid dreaming, astral projection and visualizing, there are also methods that need you to be awake for them to work.
- The first from awake Bansko was a native of Paisii Hilendarski, author of Istoriya Slavyanobolgarskaya.
- At the end of the tale, she buys her place at her husband's bed and tries to stir him awake with a lamentation, begging for her husband to awake and see her.
- The theme of sleep is revealed in the story as follows: the lyrical hero's soul used to be awake and now wakes up only rarely.
- • Can be used in awake animals, headfixed or mobile.
- It can occur during sleep or whilst awake. The cause of bruxism itself is not completely understood, but psychosocial factors appear to be implicated in awake bruxism and dopaminergic dysfunction and other central nervous system mechanisms may be involved in sleep bruxism.
- Seek the way pilgrim's trod, Christians awake!
- Awake craniotomy is a neurosurgical technique and type of craniotomy that allows a surgeon to remove a brain tumor while the patient is awake to avoid brain damage.
- • Remaining awake and alert to the environment - the brain cannot pay attention when sleep-deprived.
- Affected individuals have no pattern of when they are awake or asleep, may have poor quality sleep, and often may be very sleepy while they are awake.
- Daydreaming is fantasizing while awake.
- The opposite of the lark is the owl, often awake at night.
- The call, "Awake, awake" ([...] "‘ūrî ‘ūrî") repeats the same call heard in Isaiah 51:9 and Isaiah 51:17.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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