 Translation for 'brutally' from English to Serbian
SYNO brutally | savagely | viciously
брутално {adv}brutally
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Translation for 'brutally' from English to Serbian

брутално {adv}
Usage Examples English
  • Raja then witnesses his police brother brutally stir up a riot and intentionally kill an innocent civilian using a sledgehammer brutally smashing the skull.
  • In 1976, Bankole was brutally murdered at the age of 41 with his wife in Lagos by a half-brother.
  • This time, Schwieger was received with official disgust upon his return to Wilhelmshaven. Brutally beaten and arrested by the Prussian Secret Police after being ordered to report to Berlin to explain himself, he was required to apologise for having sunk another passenger liner in defiance of a direct order not to do so again.
  • On October 14, 2006, Green brutally TKO'd former Olympian Jerson Ravelo on ESPN.
  • The Belgians treated the local people brutally and forced them to extract rubber in appalling conditions.

  • The Tartar uprising was brutally suppressed in May. Some villages were set on fire by shelling.
  • Marvi's career had barely started when she was brutally murdered by an unknown person or animal on 25 August 1998.
  • In 2012 she was brutally mugged in her apartment building.
  • The teen was returning from a discotheque when he was brutally murdered, with two of his friends being brutally beaten up and left requiring hospitalization.
  • In 926, Shunxian, Wang Yan, and his other concubines were all brutally massacred by Emperor Li Zhuangzong of Later Tang.

  • On 11 April 1971, he was brutally murdered by the Rajakar and Muslim League agents at the time of Bangladesh Liberation War.
  • A gifted young man learns medicine out of a desire to avenge his father who was brutally murdered fifteen years ago.
  • In the MMA co-event, Poland's light heavyweight Marcin Prachnio brutally TKO'ed Croatia's Stipe Bekavac.
  • Dubiska died suddenly on 1 June, 1989, shortly after she was brutally attacked in her own home.
  • During a brutal crackdown against the protesting prisoners in Jau prison in April 2021, detainees were brutally dragged out of their cells and severely beaten.

  • In October 2004 a small-scale uprising in Kilwa was brutally suppressed by FARDC soldiers of the 62nd Brigade.
  • Grewal follows the trail to Khanna's residence, brutally murdering the man of the house and brutally torturing Mrs.
  • His death occurred after he was brutally beaten by several boys with pieces of a railroad tie.
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