 Translation for 'custom' from English to Serbian
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NOUN1   a custom | customs
NOUN2   custom | -
SYNO custom | custom-made | customs | ...
обичај {м}custom
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Translation for 'custom' from English to Serbian

обичај {м}
Usage Examples English
  • Starting in 2011, Bed Head partnered up with Villy Custom to build custom luxury fashion bikes for their brand.
  • Notable custom firmware versions include the M33 Custom Firmware by Dark_AleX as well as those made by others such as the Custom Firmware 5.50GEN series, Minimum Edition (ME/LME) CFW and the PRO CFW.
  • USA Custom Shop - a custom kit with many different options, including a few wood selections.
  • In 1985 he launched Alan Flusser Custom which focuses on custom and made-to-measure suits.
  • Another alternative is to create custom control that provides custom encoding.

  • The UIInputViewController is the primary view controller for a custom keyboard app extension.
  • You could create custom entities and (1xN) relations between the system/custom entities.
  • To directly install custom software onto the 3DS home menu, custom firmware is needed.
  • American English more commonly uses the word "custom" instead, as in custom-made, custom car, or custom motorcycle.
  • Custom Search allows web developers to provide a search of their own website by embedding a custom search box and using the Custom Search API.

  • CustomMade is an online custom jeweler. Until 2015, the business operated as an online marketplace connecting customers with independent artisans (called "custom makers") who produce custom-designed furniture, jewelry, home décor, and other personalized items.
  • Regulate custom operation in terms of timing, penalties, information, and others. Established three years for adapt Chilean custom procedures.
  • Cerilliant provides catalog and custom products and services including Certified Solution Standards, Certified Spiking Solutions, custom organic synthesis of neat reference materials as well as independent analytical certifications and custom packaging of client reference standards.
  • In agriculture, custom harvesting or custom combining is the business of harvesting of crops for others.
  • Les Baer Custom Inc. [...] is an American manufacturer of semi-custom firearms including M1911-pattern pistols and AR-15 type rifles.

  • Each participant dips a vegetable into either "salt water" (Ashkenazi custom; said to serve as a reminder of the tears shed by their enslaved ancestors), "vinegar" (Sephardi custom) or "charoset" (older Sephardi custom; still common among Yemenite Jews).
  • Each participant dips a sprig of parsley or similar leafy green into either "salt water" (Ashkenazi custom said to serve as a reminder of the tears shed by their enslaved ancestors), "vinegar" (Sephardi custom) or "charoset" (older Sephardi custom; still common among Yemenite Jews).
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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