 Translation for 'edition' from English to Serbian
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NOUN   an edition | editions
SYNO edition | variant | variation | ...
издање {ср}edition
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Translation for 'edition' from English to Serbian

издање {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • IBM offers three editions: Db2 Community Edition, Standard Server Edition, and Advanced Server Edition.
  • All editions of the Schlachter Bible came in three formats: there was a pocket-edition, a hand-edition, and a greater family-edition.
  • A bulldog edition is an early edition, or the first edition, of a daily newspaper These editions also attracted street sales, as opposed to home delivery.
  • "Rise and Decline of the Third Reich" saw four editions, which cleaned up inaccuracies and ambiguities in the units (2nd edition), map (3rd edition), and rules (4th edition).
  • Prior to JDeveloper 11g, JDeveloper came in three editions: Java Edition, J2EE Edition, and Studio Edition.

  • The title song "Your Name" is an anime tie-up appointed as the opening theme of the TV anime "The Case Study of Vanitas",and was released in three forms: regular edition, first edition edition, and limited edition edition.
  • The "Kusumamala" was well received by readers. Its first edition was published in 1887, followed by a second edition in 1902, third edition in 1907, and fourth edition in 1912.
  • The album was originally released in four different editions: Limited Edition A, Limited Edition B, Limited Edition C and the Regular Edition.
  • The single was released in four versions: three limited editions (Limited Edition A, Limited Edition B, and Limited Edition C) and a regular edition.
  • The single was released in four versions: three limited editions (Limited Edition A, Limited Edition B, and Limited Edition C) and a regular edition.

  • The single was released in three versions: Limited Edition A, Limited Edition B, and a regular edition.
  • "Stockholms-Tidningen" was established by Anders Jeurling in 1889. During its early stage it had three editions: morning edition, evening edition and provincial edition.
  • The single was released in 3 versions: "Kiku-ban" ("Listening Edition"), "Miru-ban" ("Watching Edition") and "Odoru-ban" ("Dancing Edition").
  • Launched on 6 March 2018 at the Geneva International Motor Show, the Speedback Silverstone Edition is the third particular edition model made by David Brown behind both the Mini Remastered Café Racers Edition and Monte Carlo Edition.
  • Granville was asked to produce a second edition. The second edition used the chips from the "Color Harmony Index" but was formatted up the same way as the first edition.

  • Turkish Edition 2013 and 2014, Chinese Edition 2008 and 2010 (Taiwan and People's Republic), Spanish Edition 2012 and 2014.
  • Among the HRVI's most notable issues are the 2010 Glenn Curtiss edition, 2009 Eleanor Roosevelt edition, 2009 Hudson, Fulton, Champlain Quadricentennial Commemorative edition, and the 2003 American Revolution edition.
  • CD – 1st edition 100 numbered copies. 2nd edition ("World Tour Edition"!), same cover as the 1st edition but in inverted blue and red colours, <100 copies.
  • Norman IJ, Ryrie I (eds) 1st edition (2004); 2nd edition (2009); 3rd edition (2013), 4th edition (2018) "The art and science of mental health nursing: a textbook of principles and practice".
  • (Atlantic Books, 2009; paperback edition, 2010; Italian edition ("Il Palco d'oro") Elliot Edizioni, 2010; Chinese edition: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2012; Spanish edition ("La Ópera: Una historia social") Siruela, 2012; paperback 2016.

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