Translation for '
hypnosis' from English to Serbian
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Usage Examples English
- According to hypnosis practitioners such as Marc Aymar, Francoise Lotery and Felicia Mocanu, William J.
- Hypnosis, including self-hypnosis, has tentative evidence.
- The Church of Scientology officially denies that it uses hypnosis as part of its beliefs and practices.
- The goals of ASCH include: providing continuing education for professionals using hypnosis, raising public awareness of the benefits of hypnosis and dispelling of the many myths regarding hypnosis.
- In "Three Techniques of Autohypnosis," Salter clarified the concept of self-hypnosis, made the case that hypnosis was a form of word association and therefore of conditioning, introduced the idea of using it in therapy, and described three practical methods for self-hypnosis he had developed.
- Erotic hypnosis is a broad term for a variety of erotic activities involving hypnosis.
- Wang is also a certified hypnotist and has explored using hypnosis in her art.
- In the 1950s and 1960s, she published several papers in the "International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis" on such topics as hypnosis technique, primary-object relationships under hypnosis, and the ability of hypnotherapy to alter body image.
- In 2012, SAHN created the first Hypnosis Census for South African Hypnosis Professionals in order to get a clear understanding of the current state of the hypnosis profession in South Africa.
- Post-hypnotic amnesia is the inability in hypnotic subjects to recall events that took place while under hypnosis.
- Self-hypnosis or auto-hypnosis (as distinct from hetero-hypnosis) is a form, a process, or the result of a self-induced hypnotic state.
- Chris Hughes learned hypnosis from Gerald F. Kein from the Omni Hypnosis Training Centre in Florida. Kein is an American hypnotist and the creator of Ultra-Height Hypnosis.
- Weitzenhoffer claimed that he became interested in hypnosis at age 12 after seeing a demonstration by a summer camp counselor and subsequently witnessing a stage hypnosis show.
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