 Translation for 'measure' from English to Serbian
NOUN   a measure | measures
VERB   to measure | measured | measured
measuring | measures
SYNO amount | bar | beat | ...
меритиto measure
мера {ж}measure
2 translations
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Translation for 'measure' from English to Serbian

to measure

мера {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • Measure 5 was followed up with Measure 47 in 1996 and Measure 50 in 1997.
  • Via Lebesgue's decomposition theorem, every σ-finite measure can be decomposed into the sum of an absolutely continuous measure and a singular measure with respect to another σ-finite measure.
  • In mathematics, a pre-measure is a set function that is, in some sense, a precursor to a "bona fide" measure on a given space.
  • Classical Wiener measure is a Gaussian measure: in particular, it is a strictly positive probability measure.
  • In mathematics, a locally finite measure is a measure for which every point of the measure space has a neighbourhood of finite measure.

  • In terms of measure theory, the differential entropy of a probability measure is the negative relative entropy from that measure to the Lebesgue measure, where the latter is treated as if it were a probability measure, despite being unnormalized.
  • Conversely, any homogeneous system of imprimitivity is of this form, for some measure σ-finite measure μ.
  • In probability theory, an intensity measure is a measure that is derived from a random measure.
  • A measure in which all subsets of null sets are measurable is "complete".
  • Many contrapuntal passages appear throughout the prelude: diminution at measure 28, augmentation at measure 75, "stretto" at measure 25, and fragmentation at measure 67.

  • In measure-theoretic terms, Boole's inequality follows from the fact that a measure (and certainly any probability measure) is "σ"-sub-additive.
  • The real line carries a canonical measure, namely the Lebesgue measure.
  • For a general measure space ("S",Σ,"μ") and measurable subsets "A"1, …, "A'n" of finite measure, the above identities also hold when the probability measure [...] is replaced by the measure "μ".
  • Conditional expectation is unique up to a set of measure zero in [...]. The measure used is the pushforward measure induced by [...].
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