 Translation for 'mercantilism' from English to Serbian
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NOUN   mercantilism | -
SYNO commerce | commercialism | mercantile system | ...
меркантилизам {м}
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Translation for 'mercantilism' from English to Serbian

меркантилизам {м}екон.Ист.
Usage Examples English
  • Ekelund's 1981 book with Tollison, "Mercantilism as a Rent-Seeking Society", is cited as an exemplar of the school of thought that argues that mercantilism, rather than being the result of miscalculation, was a system designed by rent-seekers to enforce public policy favorable towards themselves.
  • Following the ideas of mercantilism, Charles founded in 1679 the , one of the first metal-processing plants in Hesse, in , east of Kassel.
  • Historians of mercantilism consider him to be one of the first proponents of the free market.
  • Mercantilism was the leading economic doctrine during the 17th and 18th century in Denmark, However, the Napoleonic Wars caused Copenhagen to lose its status as an international centre of finance and trade.
  • At first, European colonising countries followed policies of mercantilism, aiming to strengthen the home-country economy, so agreements usually restricted the colony to trading only with the metropole (mother country).

  • As a result of the strictly enforced mercantilism and French absolutism, France was put out of the running as a leading nation in industrial or economic growth.
  • Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro prefers to equate this problem with terms such as corporatocracy or corporatism, considered "a modern form of mercantilism", to emphasize that the only way to run a profitable business in such a system is to have help from corrupt government officials.
  • Oxenstierna was also a supporter of mercantilism and a believer in immigration and free enterprise.
  • Woolman seems to believe in the importance of anti-mercantilism, as following his decision to forgo his wealth he becomes much more visionary and believes to become closer to God.
  • Players have choices over how to pursue victory, with military aggression, exploration, and mercantilism all being viable strategies.

  • Scholars are also divided over the cause of mercantilism's end.
  • He was a supporter of ideas similar to mercantilism.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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