 Translation for 'military service' from English to Serbian
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NOUN   a military service | military services
SYNO armed service | military service | service
војни рок {м}
military service
Partial Matches
војска {ж}
војна помоћ {ж}
military aid
војни камион {м}
military truck
војна сарадња {ж}
military cooperation
војна индустрија {ж}
military industry
војна алијанса {ж}
military alliance
војна база {ж}
military base
сервис {м}service
unverified обавештајна служба {ж}intelligence service
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • Various militaries have procured such vehicles, ever since the introduction of the first automobiles into military service.
  • In 1953 he moved to the University of São Paulo in Brazil, where he immigrated by means of a Nansen passport, given that he had refused to take French nationality (as that would have entailed military service against his convictions).
  • In 480 BC, Aeschylus was called into military service again, together with his younger brother Ameinias, against Xerxes I's invading forces at the Battle of Salamis.
  • In the south, both sides offered freedom to slaves who would perform military service.
  • Each bears the name of one of the astronauts and his military service insignia.

  • Sixty-four Ainu served in the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), eight of whom died in battle or from illness contracted during military service.
  • It took him eight years to graduate due to a mix of health complications, military service as well as other activities.
  • A decree by emperor Nicholas I of Russia in 1827 conscripted Jews under 18 years of age into the cantonist schools for a 25-year military service in order to promote baptism.
  • Males and females that are 18 years of age up to 23 years of age and have graduated high school are eligible for military service.
  • Ineligible for military service due to his poor eyesight, he accepted a clerking job with the Canadian Department of National Defence.

  • Hundreds of them saw military service on the Western Front during the First World War.
  • This surge in popularity was boosted by large numbers of pipers trained for military service in World War I and World War II.
  • Ulvaeus studied business and law at Lund University after undertaking his military service, alongside comedian Magnus Holmström.
  • Children in military service were subject to military courts which fell short of international law standards.
  • They are led by a commander-in-chief under the supervision of the Ministry of Defence and by the President as the supreme commander during wartime however, in times of peace its powers are executed through the Prime Minister and the Defence Minister. Military service is voluntary since 2010 with the age of 19 being the legal minimum age for the duty.

  • The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement is a small offshoot with an unknown number of members from the Seventh-day Adventist Church caused by disagreement over military service on the Sabbath day during World War I.
  • 18–45 years of age for compulsory military service; conscript service obligation – 10 to 12 months; 17–45 years of age for voluntary service.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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