Translation for '
must not' from English to Serbian
10 translations
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Usage Examples English
- This variation must not be confused with the variation of local dialects.
- This theorem has an interpretation in terms of particle-paths: when identical particles are present, the integral over all intermediate particles must not double-count states that differ only by interchanging identical particles.
- A path through which a funeral procession has traveled must not be passed again, as Nasu haunts the area thereafter, until the proper rites of banishment are performed (Vd. ...
- However, any check or payment voucher, as well as accompanying Form 1040-V, must "not" be stapled or paperclipped with the rest of the return, since payments are processed separately.
- In order to be considered eligible, competing songs in a given year's contest must not have been released commercially before the first day of September of the previous year.
- The criteria for determining "high quality" for public debt have been preconditions for membership in the European Union: total debt must not be too large in relation to gross domestic product, for example, and deficits in any given year must not become too large.
- Tisdall tries to prove his innocence by tracking down the stolen coat: if it still has its belt, the one found next to Christine's body must not be his.
- The rules state that twisting "must not be generated manifestly on take-off".
- Well known record types may use label compression in the RDATA field, but "unknown" record types must not (RFC 3597).
- Digital television signals must not interfere with each other, and they must also coexist with analog television until it is phased out.
- Socrates was of the opinion that the right to vote must not be an indiscriminate right (for example by birth or citizenship), but must be given only to people who thought sufficiently of their choice.
- One must not think thus, – (viz.) that only an exalted (person) may reach this.
- This flag is useful for critical information that must not be modified or erased, such as special files that are used only by internal parts of the computer system.
- The composer of madrigal comedies and theorist Adriano Banchieri wrote in 1609: "I must not neglect to mention the most noble of composers, Monteverdi ...
- The Free Imperial City of Cologne must not be confused with the Electorate of Cologne which was a state of its own within the Holy Roman Empire.
- After questioning Athanasius, Bishop Alexander informed him that the baptisms were genuine, as both the form and matter of the sacrament had been performed through the recitation of the correct words and the administration of water, and that he must not continue to do this as those baptized had not been properly catechized.
- Albanian writings from these centuries must not have been religious texts only, but historical chronicles too.
- Ammeters must not be connected directly across a voltage source since their internal resistance is very low and excess current would flow.
- The self-managed Active Directory DS must not be confused with managed Azure AD DS, which is a cloud product.
- ", which literally means "must not", usually becomes " [...] "; although one does not have to write or say it like this, virtually all Afrikaans speakers will change the two words to " [...] " in the same way as "do not" shifts to "don't" in English.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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