Translation for '
mycology' from English to Serbian
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Usage Examples English
- Identifying plant pathogens was one of the original aims of the Imperial Bureau of Mycology which eventually became part of the Commonwealth Agricultural Bureaux (CAB) that included scientists with special skills in mycology, entomology, nematodes and later bacteria.
- "Medical Mycology" is a peer-reviewed medical journal published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology.
- The society was founded in 1961 as a platform for all scientists of the German-speaking area who are interested in mycology either from a medical or veterinary standpoint, i.e.
- Charles Horton Peck contributed to the form and shape of American mycology, even though he was a botanist and never a student or professor in the mycology subject.
- Stamets credits his late brother, John, with stimulating his interest in mycology, and studied mycology as an undergraduate student.
- This glossary of mycology is a list of definitions of terms and concepts relevant to mycology, the study of fungi.
- Suryanarayanan is an Indian mycologist and a director of the Vivekananda Institute of Tropical Mycology (VINSTROM) and a former professor of mycology at Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda College, Chennai.
- She worked for the DSIR Plant Diseases Division from 1941 to 1976, becoming the head of mycology.
- Before his death in 2020, Odds helped establish the Aberdeen Fungal Group which has gone on to become a presence in medical mycology, be part of cross-institutional collaborations around the United Kingdom, help train researchers in low income countries, and be awarded the Medical Research Council (MRC) MRC Centre status for Medical Mycology.
- Between 1954 and 1960 he was vice president of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology, and was a recipient of its Lucille K.
- Stanley Hughes (1918–2019) was a Canadian scientist who is known throughout the global field of mycology for developing and introducing a precise and meticulous system for classifying fungi that is still used today.
- In 1964, Halde accepted a position at UCSF as a professor of mycology and remained there for the rest of her career.
- In Benham’s honor, the Medical Mycological Society of the Americas rewards exceptional contributions to the field of medical mycology with an annual prize.
- Suryanarayanan for over 35 years in experimental mycology, environmental mycology, marine mycology and endophyte ecology and physiology brought international recognition to the college in general and the mycology research team in particular.
- The colleagues formed a team that promoted awareness and advanced the field of medical mycology in France and Europe.
- ... 1979) was a world authority on the botanical nomenclature of fungi, Her influence on Canadian mycology and her concern with public education are recognized in the Canadian Botanical Association’s annual Luella K.
- "Studies in Mycology" is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal of mycology published by Elsevier on behalf of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences' CBS Fungal Biodiversity Centre.
- The word "mycology" is derived from the Greek [...] (μύκης 'mushroom') and "logos" (λόγος 'discourse').
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