Translation for '
revolution' from English to Serbian
NOUN1 | a revolution | revolutions | |
NOUN2 | revolution | - | |
SYNO | gyration | revolution | rotation |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- This region was badly hit by three armed conflicts, the Farroupiha revolution, the Federalist revolution of 1893, and by the Revolution of 1923.
- The first is on the Russian Revolution. He published "The February Revolution: Petrograd 1917" in 1980.
- Regime change can be precipitated by revolution or a coup d'état. For example, the 1917 Russian Revolution, the 1962 Burmese coup, and the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
- After the February Revolution, which overthrew the Tsar, Stučka backed Lenin's April Theses, which called for a second, Bolshevik-led revolution, and organised the detachment of Latvian riflemen who played a crucial role in the October Revolution.
- "The Long Revolution" is a 1961 book by Raymond Williams.
- Breton's successor to "La Révolution surréaliste" was a more politically engaged publication, "Le Surrealisme au service de la revolution (Surrealism in the service of the revolution)," which appeared sporadically between 1930 and 1933.
- Before the Iranian Revolution, Rezaee was a member of the Islamist guerilla rebel group "Mansouroun" and joined the Mojahedin of the Islamic Revolution Organization following the revolution.
- The prosecutor, Stella Lo, argued that leaflets written by the defendants had mentioned the Ukrainian Revolution, French Revolution, and words from Mao Zedong on revolution.
- As with every considerable revolution in the past such as the French Revolution, the digital revolution that is occurring requires an overhaul of the law.
- The RCPI works toward a socialist revolution, rather than a people's democratic revolution, a national democratic revolution or a new democratic revolution.
- Achieving all round development through social revolution, economy revolution and political revolution within 20 years in Manipur as well as in whole north east region.
- The 1990 October Revolution Parade was the last parade commemorating the 1917 October Revolution during the Soviet Union's existence. It celebrated the 73rd anniversary of the revolution.
- Historian John Baptist Wolf argues Ultra-royalist—many of whom had just returned from exile—were staging a counter-revolution against the French Revolution and also against Napoleon's revolution.
- Wolf argues that Ultra-royalists — many of whom had just returned from exile — were staging a counter-revolution against the French Revolution and also against Napoleon's revolution.
- Export of the revolution is actions by a victorious revolutionary government of one country to promote similar revolutions in unruled areas or other countries as a manifestation of revolutionary internationalism of certain kind, such as the Marxist proletarian internationalism.
- The NPA regards itself as waging a revolution ultimately stemming from the "unfinished" revolution of the Katipunan, calling itself a revolution of the "new type"; whereas the Katipunan waged a "bourgeois democratic revolution of the old type, the NPA is waging a "proletarian socialist revolution" in the same vein as the October Revolution in Russia.
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