 Translation for 'sb shall' from English to Serbian
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[неко] треба даsb. shall
Partial Matches
unverified неко је очекиваоsb. expected
unverified неко је сервираоsb. served
unverified неко је повредиоsb. hurt
unverified неко покушаваsb. tries
unverified неко се жалиоsb. complained
unverified ценитиto esteem sb.
unverified бранити [несв.] некогаto defend sb.
unverified смарати некога [несв.] [разг.]to annoy sb.
повредитиto hurt sb.
могао би (бити)sb. might
[неко] би требаоsb. should
[неко] је урадиоsb. did
[неко] биsb. would
будити некога [несв.]to wake sb.
пробудити некога [св.]to wake sb.
неко {pron}somebody <sb.> [subject]
неко је оштетиоsb./sth. damaged
сетити се [св.]to remember sb./sth.
[неко] је имаоsb./sth. had
лагати некоме [несв.]to lie to sb.
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Usage Examples English
  • Curricula shall cover gender equity education. The school shall develop relevant plan and assessments.
  • All chemicals shall be labeled. Dangerous chemicals shall be specially marked.
  • Isaiah 6:13 But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a Teil Tree, and as an oak, whose substance is in them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed shall be the substance thereof.
  • The verb "shall" is used in some varieties of English in place of "will", indicating futurity when the subject is first person ("I shall, we shall").
  • This society shall meet annually at such time and place as shall hereafter be determined upon.

  • Ye shall not kill, neither shall ye steal nor shall ye hurt the aged, lest ye incur the danger of death.
  • The ball shall have a uniform outer surface and shall be white or yellow.
  • III. That the archpriest shall be chosen by the chaplains there residing, who shall present him to the bishop within twenty days after any vacancy shall happen.
  • Our strong bond shall ne'er be broken, it shall never die.
  • It also fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah: “Then shall the eyes of the blind be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped.

  • Shall yet prevail, and peace shall be restored.
  • If he (the debtor) chooses, he shall live on his own [...].
  • The most common specific use of "shall" in everyday English is in questions that serve as offers or suggestions: "Shall I ...?" or "Shall we ...?" These are discussed under [...] below.
  • You shall make it pleasant for him, wearing you; you shall akhify him, wearing you; you shall make him have control of his body; you shall put his ferocity in the eyes of all the akhs who shall look at him and everyone who hears his name as well.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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