Translation for '
snail' from English to Serbian
NOUN | a snail | snails | |
SYNO | escargot | snail |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Utah roundmouth snail is a hermaphroditic snail.
- This snail is also one of the rice field snail species traditionally eaten in Thailand.
- An example is an interaction been tadpoles of the common frog and a freshwater snail.
- Perhaps the best-known edible land snail species in the Western world is "Helix pomatia", commonly known as the Roman snail or the Burgundy snail.
- The white-lipped snail or garden banded snail, scientific name "Cepaea hortensis", is a medium-sized species of air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusc in the family Helicidae.
- They are also found to be fond of several varieties of land snail shells such as Aratan snail and rice snail.
- "Pseudocharopa whiteleggei", also known as Whitelegge's pinwheel snail or Whitelegge's land snail, is a species of pinwheel snail that is endemic to Australia's Lord Howe Island in the Tasman Sea.
- "Pherbellia" is a genus of flies in the family Sciomyzidae, the marsh flies or snail-killing flies.
- It is a part of ornamental pet trade for freshwater aquaria. Common names for the species include the porcupine snail, the pagoda snail, and the horned armour snail.
- "Bullacta exarata", common name the Korean mud snail, is a species of a sea snail or bubble snail, a marine gastropod mollusc in the family Haminoeidae, the bubble snails.
- "Mirabilistrombus listeri", common name the Lister's snail , is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusken in the family Strombidae, the true snail.
- "Telescopium telescopium", commonly known as the telescope snail, is a species of snail in the horn snail family Potamididae found in mangrove habitats in the Indo-Pacific.
- "Strigatella amaura" is a species of sea snail in the miter snail family, Mitridae.
- "On the Trail with Miss Snail Pail" is a 2009 short documentary film that follows Colleen Flanigan, aka Miss Snail Pail, as she provides a snail removal service that recycles the garden pests into food.
- "Anentome helena", common name assassin snail or bumblebee snail, is a species of freshwater snail with an operculum, an aquatic gastropod in the family Nassariidae, most of which are marine.
- This snail feeds on cirratulinid polychaete worms. The toxins from these worms become incorporated into the snail's tissues and are then used for the bubble snail's own defense.
- "Pomacea canaliculata", commonly known as the golden apple snail or the channeled apple snail, is a species of large freshwater snail with gills and an operculum, an aquatic gastropod mollusc in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails.
- "Polymita picta", also known as the Cuban painted snail, or the oriente tree snail, is a species of large, air-breathing land snail, a terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusk in the family Helminthoglyptidae.
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