 Translation for 'target' from English to Serbian
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NOUN   a target | targets
VERB   to target | targeted / targetted | targeted / targetted
targeting / targetting | targets
SYNO aim | butt | fair game | ...
циљ {м}target
мета {ж}target
2 translations
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Translation for 'target' from English to Serbian

циљ {м}

мета {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • First target acquisition from a target launched beyond the horizon.
  • After the interceptor is launched, it is provided target information from the radar through a datalink.
  • Besides the COIL, the system also included two kilowatt-class Target Illuminator Lasers for target tracking.
  • There are currently two active target areas, Target Area Petawatt and Target Area West, Following the decommission of Target Area East.
  • The AN/APY-7 radar can operate in wide area surveillance, ground moving target indicator (GMTI), fixed target indicator (FTI) target classification, and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) modes.

  • (1996) suggest that the target 1 takes over parts of our attentional capacity, leading to a deficit of processing or recognizing target 2 when presented immediately after target 1.
  • Income funds are often used as the endpoint for target-date funds.
  • The generation of the target specific primer in the reaction as it progresses also leads to more balanced reaction components.
  • The key innovation in CST is that it considers the target states first, and then the target set is gradually enlarged to include the system which is aimed to receive the target.
  • The Flanker task typically involves presentation of a target flanked by non-target stimuli that is either in the same direction as the target (congruent) or in the opposite direction of a target (incongruent) or neither direction (neutral).

  • Running target shooting refers to a number of target shooting sports and events involving a shooting target—sometimes called a boar, moose, or deer—that is made to move as if it is a running animal.
  • Ferric Sodium EDTA is considered a narrow target pesticide.
  • The Rowtor Target Railway was built 1959 as a target railway based on an older target railway.
  • This hypothesis argues that when a target presented in a previous trial is presented again in the current trial, processing of the target is accelerated in the target decision stage of the model, so that after identification the target is verified to assess whether it matches the previous target stored in episodic memory.
  • Since shotguns are generally used for shooting at small, fast moving targets, it is important to "lead" the target by firing slightly ahead of the target, so that when the shot reaches the range of the target, the target will have moved into the pattern.

  • Auckland Metropolitan Clay Target Club, is a clay target shooting club located just outside Pukekohe, offering recreational and competitive target shooting.
  • A competing generic SCSI target module for Linux is SCST.
  • The trajectory that a missile takes while attacking a moving target is dependent upon the movement of the target.
  • Ten polyurethane targets measuring [...] are used as ‘shoot’ and ‘no-shoot’ targets.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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