 Translation for 'tart' from English to Serbian
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ADJ   tart | tarter | tartest
NOUN   a tart | tarts
SYNO lemonlike | lemony | sharp | ...
торта {ж}tart
1 translation
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Translation for 'tart' from English to Serbian

торта {ж}
Usage Examples English
  • The QVB Tearoom and the Tea Centre on King Street also arranged a special menu item of "quong tarts", a unique fruit tart, to celebrate their historical link with Mei Quong Tart.
  • , Afrikaans for milk tart) is a South African dessert originally created by the Dutch settlers in the "Cape" (South Africa) consisting of a sweet pastry crust containing a custard filling made from milk, flour, sugar and eggs.
  • TART-1 was followed by TART-2 which was the focus of a Ph.D.
  • There are many types of tarts, with popular varieties including Treacle tart, meringue tart, tarte tatin and Bakewell tart. A "jam tart" uses jam in place of fresh fruit.
  • Rhubarb tart is a tart filled with rhubarb.

  • An annual Butter tart festival, inaugurated in 2013, is held in early June.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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