Translation for '
thorax' from English to Serbian
NOUN | a thorax | thoraces / thoraxes | |
SYNO | chest | pectus | thorax |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- The abdomen is light brown, but the underside is yellow. Head and thorax are black. The underside of thorax has a red hair coat.
- The abdomen is yellow. The head and thorax are black. The underside of thorax has a red hair-coat.
- The thorax of the horse is flatter from side to side, as compared to the human thorax, which is flatter from back to front.
- Body shiny ferruginous with a faint tint on forehead and thorax.
- They have a dark coloured abdomen, thorax, and head, with yellowish flecks on the head and thorax.
- The thorax is specialized for locomotion. Three pairs of legs and a pair of wings are attached to the thorax.
- Joining the head to the thorax is a short neck. The thorax in all insects consists of three segments.
- Thorax and tegulae: Greyish ochreous, thorax with a white median line, tegulae lined white inwardly.
- The thorax upperside is yellow, except for a black, ill-defined, transverse band. Sometimes, the centre of the thorax is more or less black.
- As an adult, "Muscina stabulans" has partially reddish-brown legs, four characteristic dark stripes along the thorax region, and a pale spot above the thorax.
- The Red-barbed Ant is readily identified by its relatively large size and distinctive coloration of a blackish head and thorax, contrasting with a light reddish thorax.
- Wing length 6·25–9·5 mm. Thorax dorsum with two median stripes of white dust. The thorax is otherwise shining black. Tergites with linear yellow spots which sometimes connect on tergites 3 and 4.
- The word thorax comes from the Greek θώραξ "thorax" "breastplate, cuirass, corslet" via [...]. Plural: "thoraces" or "thoraxes".
- Antennae black, shafts minutely ringed with white; head, thorax, and abdomen dark brown; beneath: the palpi fringed with black hairs, thorax fuscous, abdomen dull white.
- In both sexes the antennae vary from white to pale brownish; head, thorax and abdomen black, the head and thorax with short greyish-brown hairs; beneath: the palpi, thorax and abdomen white.
- Antennae in both sexes black, sparsely sprinkled with white dots; head, thorax and abdomen above and below white: thorax above often bluish grey.
- Antennae, head, thorax and abdomen black; the thorax anteriorly obscurely glossed with blue; the abdomen with a series of lateral white spots on each side from base; body beneath white, glossed on thorax with pale blue; eyes hairy.
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