 Translation for 'throat' from English to Serbian
NOUN   a throat | throats
SYNO pharynx | throat
грло {ср}throat
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Translation for 'throat' from English to Serbian

грло {ср}
Usage Examples English
  • The name 'Ragdale' means 'throat valley' probably suggesting that the valley was narrow, like a throat.
  • There are two subspecies and the males can be distinguished by their throat.
  • Harvey is currently battling throat cancer. On 2 September 2009, he underwent surgery to remove a cancerous growth in his throat and had his voice box removed.
  • In breech-loading firearms, the task of seating the projectile into the rifling is handled by the "throat" of the chamber.
  • Streptococcal pharyngitis, also known as streptococcal sore throat (strep throat), is pharyngitis (an infection of the pharynx, the back of the throat) caused by "Streptococcus pyogenes", a gram-positive, group A streptococcus.

  • Additionally, throat coloration is also associated with size.
  • Overtone singing should not be confused with throat singing, in spite of the fact that many throat singing techniques comprise overtone singing.
  • Cēpacol also makes oral anesthetics, such as its cherry flavored throat spray and soother that provides temporary pain relief for an "itchy" or sore throat.
  • Nuosu has five pairs of phonemic vowels, contrasting in a feature Andy Eatough calls "loose throat" vs.
  • The deliberately executed throat-clear is a nonverbal, paralingual form of metacommunication. A loud, exaggerated throat-clearing noise may sometimes be used to get attention.

  • Note that Palmer-Bowlus flumes are proprietary to each manufacturer / throat configuration.
  • (5 October 1873 – 30 May 1935) was a well known British specialist in diseases of the throat, Surgeon to the Throat and Nose Department at St Bartholomew's Hospital and Surgeon to the Hospital for Diseases of the Throat, Golden Square (now the Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital).
  • The athlete grabs the throat of the opponent with the four fingers on the outside of the throat and the tip of the thumb pressing in and down the hollow of the throat, putting pressure on the trachea.
  • The diagnosis of a throat irritation include a physical exam and throat culture.
  • Cut-throat Records (also known as Cut-throat Productions) is a record label created and run by Canadian musician Nash the Slash.

  • Sore throat is pain or irritation of the throat.
  • Aldyn-ool Takashovich Sevek ([...] , [...]; died 2011) was a master Tuvan throat singer. Sevek won the Grand Prize at the International Symposium of Throat-Singing.
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