 Translation for 'thunder' from English to Serbian
NOUN   thunder | -
VERB   to thunder | thundered | thundered
thundering | thunders
SYNO big H | boom | hell dust | ...
гром {м}
грмљавина {ж}
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Translation for 'thunder' from English to Serbian

гром {м}метео.

грмљавина {ж}метео.
Usage Examples English
  • Because temperature and density change with height, the sound of thunder is refracted through the troposphere.
  • The Thunder's mascot was Thor, the Norse god of thunder.
  • Her name is French for "lightning thunder." It symbolizes Haruhi's greatest fear, namely her fear of thunder and her fear of Tamaki being taken away.
  • The town name contains the Slavic root "grom" ("thunder") and means "a place of thunder".
  • This trigram represents Thunder. Also, the trigram is strongly connected to northeast and the relationship of the Eldest son.

  • The word is usually translated as "Thunder Spirits", "Thunder Beings," or "Thunder Birds".
  • Summanus (...) was the god of nocturnal thunder in ancient Roman religion, as counterposed to Jupiter, the god of diurnal (daylight) thunder. His precise nature was unclear even to Ovid.
  • ... , Japanese: "raikōtō"), sometimes called thunder god vine but more properly translated thunder duke vine, is a vine used in traditional Chinese medicine.
  • which is composed of "Þór" (meaning "thunder", also the name of the Nordic god of thunder Thor) and "finnr", which refers to Finnish people.
  • Among the Nandi, Ilet ne-mie and Ilet ne-ya respectively are good and bad thunder-gods.

  • Raijū (雷獣, "thunder animal" or "thunder beast") is a legendary creature from Japanese mythology.
  • According to Brewer's entry (under the headword "thunder"), this is the origin of the phrase, "to steal one's thunder".
  • In Finnish mythology, Ukko (engl. "Old Man") is the god of thunder, sky and weather. The Finnish word for thunder is "ukkonen", derived from the god's name.
  • The symbol was known as the thunder sign ("gromovoi znak") or the thunder wheel ("gromovoe koleso"), and was associated with the thunder god Perun.
  • Rumble the Bison is the official mascot of the Oklahoma City Thunder, a National Basketball Association (NBA) franchise based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

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    Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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