 Translation for 'to on the right' from English to Serbian
десно {adv}to / on the right
5+ Words
десно {adv}on the right-hand side
с десне стране {adv}on the right-hand side
на десној страни {adv}on the right-hand side
Partial Matches
десно {adv}to the right
удесно {adv}to the right
наon (the)
unverified на мору {adv}on the sea
лево {adv}to / on the left
unverified на плажиon the beach
unverified по глави {adv}on the head
Кафка на обали мора [Харуки Мураками]
Kafka on the Shore [Haruki Murakami]
unverified на крову света {adv} [фиг.]on top of the world [idiom]
unverified у бекству {adv}on the run [from the police, authorities, etc.]
unverified добити по прстима [св.] [често фиг.]to get a rap on the knuckles [also fig.]
тачан {adj}right
unverified право {ср}right
unverified тренутно {adv}right now
у реду {adv}all right
unverified одмах {adv}right away
скретати десно [несв.]to turn right
скренути десно [св.]to turn right
на {prep}on
пробавати [несв.]to try on
24 translations
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Usage Examples English
  • More specifically, the construction of the Pakpattan Canal took place in British Punjab in 1925 to on the right bank of the Sulemanki Headworks.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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