 Translation for 'to announce' from English to Serbian
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VERB   to announce | announced | announced
announcing | announces
SYNO to announce | to annunciate | to declare | ...
unverified најавити [св.]to announce
објавитиto announce [make public]
2 translations
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Translation for 'to announce' from English to Serbian

to announce
unverified најавити [св.]
to announce [make public]
Usage Examples English
  • 2011 – Canada became the first signatory to announce its withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol.
  • C. to announce that the TM movement could end the Kosovo War with yogic flying.
  • This call is connected to equipment at the central office that uses automatic equipment to announce the telephone number of the line calling in.
  • On June 27, 2014, GE partnered with collaborative design company Quirky to announce its connected LED bulb called Link.
  • The female ministry is justified by the fact that Mary Magdalene was chosen by Jesus to announce his resurrection to the apostles.

  • Since 1957, each country's votes have been announced during a special voting segment as part of the contest's broadcast, with a selected spokesperson assigned to announce the results of their country's vote.
  • In April 1998, Depeche Mode held a press conference at the Hyatt Hotel in Cologne to announce The Singles Tour.
  • continues to announce the months and dates in both the Gregorian and the traditional lunisolar calendar.
  • Gil Kerlikowske to announce that Colombia is no longer the world's biggest producer of cocaine.
  • In December 2022, President Tsai Ing-wen led the government to announce the reinstatement of the mandatory 1-year active duty military service from January 2024.

  • In casual games, it is common to announce "check" when putting the opponent's king in check, but this is not required by the rules of chess and is not usually done in tournaments.
  • The inaugural event drew about 6,000 people and became an annual event which Blizzard uses to announce new games, expansions, and content for its properties.
  • The Eagle in Cambridge is where Francis Crick interrupted patrons' lunchtime on 28 February 1953 to announce that he and James Watson had "discovered the secret of life" after they had come up with their proposal for the structure of DNA.
  • The camps of the opposing forces were close, thus Pompey sent a messenger to announce his arrival to Ptolemy and to request his aid.
  • In July 2020, a Lightworks product manager confirmed that they "Still hope to announce something in the future" about Lightworks' open source development.

  • Lebanon's heavy dependence on I-ME-WE was on display in July 2012, when the country witnessed complete internet blackouts due to maintenance work on the cable which Ogero reportedly failed to announce.
  • In May, increasing pressure from the media and within the Liberal Party forced Holt to announce a parliamentary debate on the question of a second inquiry into the 1964 sinking of [...] to be held on 16 May.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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