 Translation for 'to publish' from English to Serbian
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VERB   to publish | published | published
publishing | publishes
SYNO to bring out | to issue | to print | ...
објавити [св.]to publish
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Translation for 'to publish' from English to Serbian

to publish
објавити [св.]
Usage Examples English
  • He was the first true scientific aerial investigator to publish his work, which included for the first time the underlying principles and forces of flight.
  • The ACLU supported "The New York Times" in its 1971 suit against the government, requesting permission to publish the Pentagon Papers.
  • In March 1903, the king suspended the constitution for half an hour, time enough to publish decrees dismissing and replacing the old senators and councillors of state.
  • Four publishers refused to publish "Animal Farm", yet one had initially accepted the work but declined it after consulting the Ministry of Information.
  • Both Strabo and Agathemerus (later Greek geographers) claim that, according to the geographer Eratosthenes, Anaximander was the first to publish a map of the world.

  • He was never a prolific writer, refusing to publish work which he did not consider complete and above criticism.
  • The latter continued to publish "Modest Maidens", drawn by Jay Allen in Flowers' style.
  • Female writers who openly expressed their desires were viewed as immodest, but this changed slowly as journals began to publish more "women's sections".
  • In 1977 it began to publish and maintain a revised version of Bliss's system, the Bliss Bibliographic Classification (Second Edition) or BC2.
  • Pasternak, however, believed that Feltrinelli's Communist affiliation would not only guarantee publication, but might even force the Soviet State to publish the novel in Russia.

  • The ballads remained an oral tradition until the increased interest in folk songs in the 18th century led collectors such as Bishop Thomas Percy (1729–1811) to publish volumes of popular ballads.
  • However, Radloff was the first to publish the inscriptions.
  • The decision to publish only under his name seems to have been mutual, but the exact reason is unknown.
  • He also asked permission to publish his manuscript, which accompanied the letter, in a newspaper to explain the dangers posed by that kind of defense.
  • He was also instrumental in finding another publisher after Brockhaus declined to publish "Parerga and Paralipomena", believing that it would be another failure.

  • Diabelli recognized the composer's potential and became the first to publish Schubert's work with "Erlkönig" in 1821.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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