 Translation for 'tomato' from English to Serbian
NOUN   a tomato | tomatoes
SYNO love apple | Lycopersicon esculentum | tomato | ...
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Translation for 'tomato' from English to Serbian

парадајз {м}бот.гастр.
Usage Examples English
  • Historically, however, the first Italian cookbook to include tomato sauce, This early tomato sauce was more like a modern tomato salsa.
  • The "Tomaccio" tomato was developed by Hishtil Nurseries, which conducted a 12-year breeding program using wild Peruvian tomato species to create a sweet snack tomato.
  • It manufactures tomato paste, purée, ketchup and tomato sauces. it is one of the major tomato paste brands in the country and a supplier of tomato paste for many brands throughout the world.
  • The village hosts a yearly tomato festival. Festivities include tomato flavoured ice-cream and a fresh tomato market.
  • Reynoldsburg is known as "The Birthplace of the Tomato", claiming the first commercial variety of tomato was bred there in the 19th century.

  • Tomato purée is a thick liquid made by cooking and straining tomatoes.
  • Tomaccio tomatoes resulted from a 12-year breeding program using a wild Peruvian tomato species.
  • The Big Rainbow heirloom tomato is one of dozens of large fruited yellow tomatoes with red swirls. They have a mild, sweet flavor. The Hillbilly tomato is another similar-coloured tomato.
  • Morning Star processes 25% of the California processing tomato production, and supplies approximately 40% of the U.S.
  • A genetically modified tomato, or transgenic tomato, is a tomato that has had its genes modified, using genetic engineering.

  • These sauces are made with whole cherry tomatoes and a soffritto base of virgin olive oil, celery, carrots and onions.
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