Translation for '
torch' from English to Serbian
NOUN | a torch | torches | |
VERB | to torch | torched | torched torching | torches | |
SYNO | Aaron's rod | blowlamp | blowtorch | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
2 translations
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Usage Examples English
- He was also a torch-bearer for the 2010 Winter Olympics torch relay.
- The Head Students walk through the spiral carrying the school's torch.
- Cautes and Cautopates are torch-bearers depicted attending the god Mithras in the icons of the ancient Roman cult of Mithraism, known as Tauroctony.
- The 2004 Athens Olympics chose Cyprus as one of the torch destinations during its worldwide tour.
- The U.S. Olympic Committee selected Koplowitz as a torch bearer in the torch relay leading up to the 2002 Winter Games.
- An "oxyhydrogen torch" (also known as "hydrogen torch") is an oxy-gas torch that burns hydrogen (the fuel) with oxygen (the oxidizer).
- One torch is put on a pole and waved around and is called the action torch.
- On 16 April 2008, Vaneeza Ahmad was selected as one of the Olympic torch bearers when the torch arrived in Islamabad.
- On 5 August 2016, she became the penultimate torch bearer for the 2016 Summer Olympics torch relay, being the link between Gustavo Kuerten who brought the torch into the Olympic Stadium, and the cauldron lighter, Vanderlei de Lima, during the Opening Ceremonies.
- In April 2022, she was chosen to light a torch at the torch lighting ceremony on the 74th Independence Day.
- Day 46 of the 2012 Summer Olympics torch relay ended at the Conference Centre, with torch bearers including Richard Whitehead (athlete) and Sophie Hitchon.
- Every Torch club welcomes people with intellectual curiosity, who enjoy discussion, and are willing to hear new ideas with an open mind.
- On Christmas Eve 2009, one month after his son Jesse died, Davidson carried the Olympic Torch as London's final torch-bearer in the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay, in honour of his son who had been named London's official torch-bearer earlier in the year.
- The torch relay "Flame of Peace" was planned for before the games.
- A day before the torch relay, the games' torch was introduced, in which its design is inspired by "Batik parang" motif.
- Duncan was a torch bearer in the torch relay for the 2010 Winter Olympics.
- In 2000, Coombs was selected as one of final torch bearers for the Paralympic torch relay during the 2000 Summer Paralympics opening, carrying the torch inside the Stadium Australia.
- He lobbied in Parliament for the Olympic Torch to pass through Tamworth during the 2012 Summer Olympics torch relay.
© Serbian-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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