NOUN | an interrelation | interrelations | |
SYNO | interrelatedness | interrelation | interrelationship |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- Many collectors of Hornsea Pottery also collect Scarborough due to this interrelation although it is often difficult to identify Scarborough Pottery, particularly as very few items were marked.
- For Griesbach's hypothesis concerning the interrelation of the Gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and its modern variant, see Griesbach hypothesis.
- The interrelation of the concepts of symmetry breaking, quasiaverages and quantum protectorate was analyzed in the context of quantum theory and statistical physics.
- Roediger is researching the interrelation between labor management and the formation of racial identities in the U.S.
- One of his interests was the interrelation between Hellenistic, Etruscan and Roman art.
- He is known as a thinker for his writings on science, religion and their interrelation.
- As in other countries, the interrelation between literature and art in Scandinavia was intense, and writers such as Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson, Henrik Ibsen and August Strindberg were clear references of Scandinavian symbolism.
- This place is reminiscent of the interrelation between religious architecture and its symbolisms: the square that forms on the crossing represents the earth, the octagonal base of the dome recreates the rebirth after death, and its perfect curvature represents the Celestial Vault, paradise symbol.
- Moufawad-Paul explains that any new conception of Anti-Revisionism must be understood within the dialectical interrelation between "continuity" and "rupture" within Maoism.
- Forest, frst, t like teamwork (2020-21) proposes a critical approach to the phenomenon of Europe-wide deforestation focusing particularly on Romania’s primary forests, with the aim to raise awareness on the interrelation of fast furniture consumption and deforestation.
- Possamai is researching the interrelation between migrants and New Religious Movements, the implications of consumer and popular culture on religion, law and religion, popular religion in late modernity, Muslim indigenous populations and Sydney as a post-secular city.
- The "performance envelope" of a PLL defines the interrelation between the above essential criteria of performance - for example improving the frequency resolution will result in a slower PLL and higher phase noise, etc.
- In recent years, he devoted his scientific researches to the most important problems of humanity, investigating seismic and volcanic activity cycles and their interrelation with other geological and cosmic factors.
- The warm and business-like interrelation of the scientists of foreign countries towards the Georgian people is underlined in these correspondences.
- They are expressed in the interpretation of any phenomena of human existence from the point of view of their cosmic significance and interrelation with the being of the universe.
- He studied and wrote about the interrelation between urban life style and psychological disease, about juvenile problems, crime prevention, minorities and prejudices.
- A member of the art group Foster Brothers, to which Andrei Kolkoutine and Eugeny Lindin are also affiliated, Efi is the author of the theoretical work "PAINTING – CHARACTERS (sources of origination; interrelation)", published in Moscow in 1993.
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