NOUN1 | quantisation | - | |
NOUN2 | a quantisation | quantisations | |
SYNO | quantisation | quantization |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- This quantisation is reminiscent of the quantisation of the Hall conductance, but is measured in the absence of a magnetic field.
- If the noise source is correlated with the signal, such as in the case of quantisation error, the intentional introduction of additional noise, called dither, can reduce overall noise in the bandwidth of interest.
- A qubit field theory is a quantum field theory in which the canonical commutation relations involved in the quantisation of pairs of observables are relaxed.
- Simms' research interests included differential geometry and geometric quantisation.
- The model allows one to derive the pore and ion parameters satisfying the barrier-less permeation conditions, and to do so from basic electrostatics taking account of charge quantisation.
- She then went on to study physics at the University of Freiburg from 1996 to 2001, where she wrote the thesis "The Quantisation of the algebra of invariants of the closed bosonic Nambu–Goto String using a concrete realization", for which she won the Gustav-Mies Prize 2002 for best thesis, and graduated with distinction.
- ETSI GS CCM 001 describes a Compound Content Management functionality for a dual-layer HDR system, including MMR (multivariate multiple regression) and NLQ (non linear quantisation).
- Adaptation of step size allows one to avoid slope overload (step of quantization increases when the signal rapidly changes) and decreases granular noise when the signal is constant (decrease of step of quantisation).
- These are lossless and reversible only regarding the image data that is kept. Reencoding with repeated lossy quantisation of the image data (generation loss) does not take place.
- In later papers he developed a theory of quantum stochastic double product integrals and their application to the quantum Yang-Baxter equation, the quantisation of Lie bialgebras and quantum Lévy area.
- The coefficients are coded by Perceptual Vector Quantisation (PVQ, a spherical vector quantisation), which models human perception.
- Other contributions in this field include a generalisation of the Morse index theorem and a contribution to the problem of quantisation commutes with reduction.
- These included work on gauge fields as Fourier transform on the space of loops on a manifold and their quantisation as noncommutative geometry, a novel 'infinite spin' limit for handling infinities in quantum field theory and an infinitesimal explanation of quark confinement.
- This is the first quantisation approach and historically Bose–Einstein and Fermi–Dirac correlations were derived through this wave function formalism.
- In (1 + 1)-dimensional spacetime, a skyrmion can be approximated by a soliton of the Sine–Gordon equation; after quantisation by the Bethe ansatz or otherwise, it turns into a fermion interacting according to the massive Thirring model.
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