NOUN1 | quantization | - | |
NOUN2 | a quantization | quantizations | |
SYNO | quantisation | quantization |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Usage Examples English
- The quantization error of a signal is the difference between the original continuous value and its discretization, and the mean square quantization error (given some probability distribution on the input values) is the expected value of the square of the quantization errors.
- It is possible to make quantization noise audibly benign by applying dither.
- In data compression, twin vector quantization is related to vector quantization, but the speed of the quantization is doubled by the secondary vector analyzer.
- For "n"-bit integers with equal distance between quantization levels (uniform quantization) the dynamic range (DR) is also determined.
- A digital watermarking method is said to be of "quantization type" if the marked signal is obtained by quantization.
- Cattaneo's research interests include deformation quantization, symplectic and Poisson geometry, topological quantum field theories, and the mathematical aspects of perturbative quantization of gauge theories.
- ... modified Mathieu equation) and application to string theory, construction and quantization of gauge theory models, canonical quantization using Dirac bracket formalism in Hamiltonian formulation, BRST quantization and Faddeev-Jackiw quantization of field theory models with constraints and Supersymmetry.
- AV1 has new optimized quantization matrices (...). The eight sets of quantization parameters that can be selected and signaled for each frame now have individual parameters for the two chroma planes and can use spatial prediction.
- When the running coupling of the theory is small enough, then all required quantities may be computed in perturbation theory. Quantization schemes intended to simplify such computations (such as canonical quantization) may be called perturbative quantization schemes.
- When the quantization step size (Δ) is small relative to the variation in the signal being quantized, it is relatively simple to show that the mean squared error produced by such a rounding operation will be approximately [...].
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