Translation for '
coast' from English to Swedish
NOUN | a coast | coasts | |
VERB | to coast | coasted | coasted coasting | coasts | |
SYNO | coast | glide | sea-coast | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
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Usage Examples English
- Other nearby coastal regions historically known by their prime colonial export are the Gold Coast, the Ivory Coast (or Windward Coast), and the Pepper Coast (or Grain Coast).
- Group coast station call identities for calling simultaneously more than one coast station have the same format as individual coast station IDs: two leading zeros, the MID, and the four digits.
- Two 50cc Quests done back to back (coast to coast to coast) in 100 hours or less. This is considered an Extreme Ride.
- It has been reported from the Japan Sea coast at Echizen Coast, Fukui Prefecture, north-west coast of Honshu and from the Pacific Ocean coast at Hachijo Island.
- A cliffed coast, also called an abrasion coast, is a form of coast where the action of marine waves has formed steep cliffs that may or may not be precipitous.
- This species is found around the European coast and also the southern African coast, from the Namibian coast to Mozambique, subtidally to 155 m.
- Upon her return to the Coast Guard, "Mackinac" was stationed at Boston, Massachusetts, from which she patrolled the New England coast for the remainder of her Coast Guard career, .
- S. Coast Guard detained a semi-submersible off the coast of Texas carrying [...] of cocaine, and on 13 November the US Coast Guard located and seized another one off the coast of Panama.
- Heart North Wales Coast (formerly Coast 96.3 and originally Marcher Coast FM) was an independent local radio station broadcast along the North Wales coast, and owned & operated by Global Radio.
- In 2018, Menert released his solo record Slow Coast 2 & in 2019, Slow Coast 3, which both consisted of downtempo soundscapes inspired by living on Northern California coast.
© Swedish-English dictionary 2025
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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