 Translation for 'wheelbarrow' from English to Swedish
NOUN   a wheelbarrow | wheelbarrows
VERB   to wheelbarrow | wheelbarrowed | wheelbarrowed
wheelbarrowing | wheelbarrows
SYNO barrow | garden cart | lawn cart | ...
skottkärra {u}wheelbarrow
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Translation for 'wheelbarrow' from English to Swedish

skottkärra {u}
Usage Examples English
  • President Donald Trump visited the AMES wheelbarrow and manufacturing plant in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on May 7, 2017, to commemorate his 100th day in office while highlighting his emphasis on buying products that are made in America.
  • On the second weekend of July the Braughing Wheelbarrow race takes place.
  • Often used as a counter to the wheelbarrow facebuster, this variant sees the attacking wrestler in the wheelbarrow position, but instead of being lifted and slammed into the mat, the attacker reaches back and applies a three-quarter facelock before falling to a seated position, with the opponent's jaw impacting with the shoulder of the wrestler.
  • The Ballbarrow was a variation of the wheelbarrow design, by James Dyson and was released in 1974 in the UK.
  • While one wrestler holds an opponent in a wheelbarrow clutch the second wrestler applies a front facelock and DDT's the opponent while the other wrestler drops to a sitting position, driving the opponent's face to the mat, finishing the wheelbarrow facebuster.

  • He is known as "the Basque with the wheelbarrow" (El Vasco de la Carretilla), and also as "the Quixote of the one-wheeler".
  • Kingsley grew up in Indiana, Pennsylvania. His parents were both factory workers at a True Temper wheelbarrow factory.
  • 5. Helping the community by providing tools such as a hoe, chainsaw, grasscutter, wheelbarrow, canopy, and other conveniences.
  • Among Rowett's first toys as a child included a novelty wheelbarrow and a squeaking panda teddy bear.
  • Wheelbarrow fire engine (...): Multiple rocket launcher supported by a wheelbarrow cart, recorded in "Wubei Zhi".

  • To celebrate the landmark of 140 years of wheelbarrow production, the company offered to all its worker a wheelbarrow called "Plume" (feather - because of its light weight).
  • "Peasant with a Wheelbarrow" is an oil-on-canvas painting by French artist Jean-François Millet, begun in 1848 but not finished until Millet found a buyer in 1852.
  • Students acquire a wheelbarrow and decorate it in accordance with their team's theme.
  • The school to which the wheelbarrow and silver spade were presented following the turning-of-the-first-sod ceremony was destroyed by fire in 1919, a blaze that destroyed the "first sod" and is also believed to have destroyed the ceremonial wheelbarrow.
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