 Translation for ''You' from English to Icelandic
yður {pron} [hátíðlegt]you
þér {pron} [formlegt] [sjaldgæft]you
þú {pron}you [informal]
ykkur {pron} [þf./þgf.]you [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]
þið {pron}you {pl} [informal]
skuldaviðurkenning {kv}IOU <I owe you>
2 Words: Others
Guð hjálpi þér!Bless you! [after sneezing]
Aumingja þú!Poor you. [coll.]
Sjáumst!See you!
Sjáumst.See you.
Takk fyrir!Thank you!
þúst [talm.] [þú veist]you know
3 Words: Others
Ertu grínast?Are you kidding?
Ertu til?Are you ready?
Hefur þú ...?Do you have ... ?
Hérna!Here you are!
Gjörðu svo vel!Here you are!
Hvsyngur í þér?How are you?
Ég hata þig.I hate you.
Ég þoli þig ekki.I hate you.
Nei takk!No thank you!
Sjáumst seinna!See you (later)!
Sjáumst!See you soon!
Þvar ekkert!You are welcome!
Ekkert þakka!You are welcome!
Þvar lítið!You are welcome!
Þú getur trútt um talað.You can talk.
Mér býður við þér!You digust me!
Þú skalt sjá!You will see!
3 Words: Nouns
þakkarávarp {hv}thank you speech
þakkarbréf {hv}thank-you letter
4 Words: Others
allt sem þú getur gertall you can do
Er ég trufla?Am I disturbing you?
undir fjögur augu {adv}between you and me
Geturðu aðstoðmig?Can you help me?
Ertu með?Do you follow me?
Talarðu frönsku?Do you speak French?
Skilurðu mig?Do you understand me?
Skilur þú mig?Do you understand me?
Hvernig hefur þú það?How are you doing?
Komdu sæl! [kona]How do you do!
Komdu sæll! [maður]How do you do!
Hvernig hefur þú það?How do you do?
Hvernig hefurðu það?How do you feel?
Hvertu gömul? [kona]How old are you?
Hvertu gamall? [maður]How old are you?
Hvert þú gömul? [kona]How old are you?
Hvert þú gamall? [maður]How old are you?
Ég þoli þig ekki.I can't stand you.
Gaman hitta þig.Nice to meet you.
Gaman sjá þig.Nice to see you.
Kærar þakkir!Thank you very much!
Takk rosalega mikið!Thank you very much!
Þakka þér kærlega fyrir!Thank you very much!
Sömuleiðis.The same to you.
Hvheldur þú?What do you think?
Hvaðan ert þú?Where are you from?
Hvert ertu fara?Where are you going?
Hvar hefurðu alið manninn?Where have you been?
Langar þig ...?Would you like to ... ?
Þú munt vera þreyttur.You are probably tired.
Þmáttu bóka!
You bet your ass! [Am.] [vulg.]
[þú] mátt ekkiyou don't have to
Þú verður gera þér þetta ljóst.You must understand this.
Þú skalt ekki stela.You shall not steal.
4 Words: Verbs
hafa e-ð í farteskinuto have sth. on / with you
5+ Words: Others
"Fékkstu þér morgunmat í morgun?" - "Já.""Did you eat breakfast this morning?" - "Yes."
"Fékkstu þér ekki morgunmat í morgun?" - "Jú." "Did you not eat breakfast this morning?" - "Yes, I did."
Ertu frá þér?Are you out of your mind?
Viltu láta mig vita þegar við komum til ...?Can you tell me when we get to ...?
Getur þú talaðeins hægar?Could you speak more slowly, please?
Getur þú vakið mig klukkan átta?Could you wake me up at eight o'clock?
Áttu ögn af sykri?Do you have a little bit of sugar?
Er laust herbergi hér?Do you have a room available?
Ertu með öryggishólf?Do you have a safe?
Heyr á endemi!Have you ever heard such a thing!
Hefur þú nokkurn tíma séð það?Have you ever seen it?
Hvernig líst þér á Ísland?How do you like Iceland?
Hvernig segir maður ... á íslensku?How do you say ... in Icelandic?
Hváttu mikla peninga?How much money do you have?
Ég hlakka til hitta þig aftur.I'm looking forward to meet you again.
Þér væri nær ...It would be better if you ...
Þgetur vel verið hún sé eins falleg og þú segir.It's possible that she's as pretty as you say.
Viti menn!Well, what do you know!
Hvget ég gert fyrir þig?What can I do for you?
Hvvildi hún þér?What did she want to see you about?
Hvamar þér?What is the matter with you?
Hví fjáranum ertu gera?What the hell are you doing?
Hvar fékkstu þetta?Where did you get that?
Þér ferst þetta ekki!Who are you to talk!
Verðurðu hér til morguns?Will you stay here until the morning?
Viltu gera þfyrir mig?Would you do it for me?
Viltu koma í ferðalag með mér?Would you like to travel with me?
Viltu færa þig aðeins?Would you please move a little?
Mér er ofaukið hér.You can do without me here.
Öllu má (nú) nafn gefa. You can give it a name but that doesn't change its substance.
Þú getur gist hjá mér.You can stay at my place.
Þú verður gera þetta.You have to do this.
Þú verður fara.You will have to go.
Ykkur er þetta velkomið.You're most welcome to it.
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Translation for ''You' from English to Icelandic

yður {pron} [hátíðlegt]

þér {pron} [formlegt] [sjaldgæft]
you [informal]
þú {pron}
you [plural direct and indirect object] [informal]
ykkur {pron} [þf./þgf.]
you {pl} [informal]
þið {pron}

IOU <I owe you>
skuldaviðurkenning {kv}

Bless you! [after sneezing]
Guð hjálpi þér!
Poor you. [coll.]
Aumingja þú!
See you!
See you.
Thank you!
Takk fyrir!
you know
þúst [talm.] [þú veist]

Are you kidding?
Ertu að grínast?
Are you ready?
Ertu til?
Do you have ... ?
Hefur þú ...?
Here you are!

Gjörðu svo vel!
How are you?
Hvað syngur í þér?
I hate you.
Ég hata þig.

Ég þoli þig ekki.
No thank you!
Nei takk!
See you (later)!
Sjáumst seinna!
See you soon!
You are welcome!
Það var ekkert!

Ekkert að þakka!

Það var lítið!
You can talk.
Þú getur trútt um talað.
You digust me!
Mér býður við þér!
You will see!
Þú skalt sjá!

thank you speech
þakkarávarp {hv}
thank-you letter
þakkarbréf {hv}

all you can do
allt sem þú getur gert
Am I disturbing you?
Er ég að trufla?
between you and me
undir fjögur augu {adv}
Can you help me?
Geturðu aðstoðað mig?
Do you follow me?
Ertu með?
Do you speak French?
Talarðu frönsku?
Do you understand me?
Skilurðu mig?

Skilur þú mig?
How are you doing?
Hvernig hefur þú það?
How do you do!
Komdu sæl! [kona]

Komdu sæll! [maður]
How do you do?
Hvernig hefur þú það?
How do you feel?
Hvernig hefurðu það?
How old are you?
Hvað ertu gömul? [kona]

Hvað ertu gamall? [maður]

Hvað ert þú gömul? [kona]

Hvað ert þú gamall? [maður]
I can't stand you.
Ég þoli þig ekki.
Nice to meet you.
Gaman að hitta þig.
Nice to see you.
Gaman að sjá þig.
Thank you very much!
Kærar þakkir!

Takk rosalega mikið!

Þakka þér kærlega fyrir!
The same to you.
What do you think?
Hvað heldur þú?
Where are you from?
Hvaðan ert þú?
Where are you going?
Hvert ertu að fara?
Where have you been?
Hvar hefurðu alið manninn?
Would you like to ... ?
Langar þig að ...?
You are probably tired.
Þú munt vera þreyttur.
You bet your ass! [Am.] [vulg.]
Það máttu bóka!orðtak
you don't have to
[þú] mátt ekki
You must understand this.
Þú verður að gera þér þetta ljóst.
You shall not steal.
Þú skalt ekki stela.

to have sth. on / with you
að hafa e-ð í farteskinu

"Did you eat breakfast this morning?" - "Yes."
"Fékkstu þér morgunmat í morgun?" - "Já."
"Did you not eat breakfast this morning?" - "Yes, I did."
"Fékkstu þér ekki morgunmat í morgun?" - "Jú."
Are you out of your mind?
Ertu frá þér?
Can you tell me when we get to ...?
Viltu láta mig vita þegar við komum til ...?
Could you speak more slowly, please?
Getur þú talað aðeins hægar?
Could you wake me up at eight o'clock?
Getur þú vakið mig klukkan átta?
Do you have a little bit of sugar?
Áttu ögn af sykri?
Do you have a room available?
Er laust herbergi hér?
Do you have a safe?
Ertu með öryggishólf?
Have you ever heard such a thing!
Heyr á endemi!
Have you ever seen it?
Hefur þú nokkurn tíma séð það?
How do you like Iceland?
Hvernig líst þér á Ísland?
How do you say ... in Icelandic?
Hvernig segir maður ... á íslensku?
How much money do you have?
Hvað áttu mikla peninga?
I'm looking forward to meet you again.
Ég hlakka til að hitta þig aftur.
It would be better if you ...
Þér væri nær að ...
It's possible that she's as pretty as you say.
Það getur vel verið að hún sé eins falleg og þú segir.
Well, what do you know!
Viti menn!
What can I do for you?
Hvað get ég gert fyrir þig?
What did she want to see you about?
Hvað vildi hún þér?
What is the matter with you?
Hvað amar að þér?
What the hell are you doing?
Hvað í fjáranum ertu að gera?
Where did you get that?
Hvar fékkstu þetta?
Who are you to talk!
Þér ferst þetta ekki!
Will you stay here until the morning?
Verðurðu hér til morguns?
Would you do it for me?
Viltu gera það fyrir mig?
Would you like to travel with me?
Viltu koma í ferðalag með mér?
Would you please move a little?
Viltu færa þig aðeins?
You can do without me here.
Mér er ofaukið hér.
You can give it a name but that doesn't change its substance.
Öllu má (nú) nafn gefa.
You can stay at my place.
Þú getur gist hjá mér.
You have to do this.
Þú verður að gera þetta.
You will have to go.
Þú verður að fara.
You're most welcome to it.
Ykkur er þetta velkomið.
Usage Examples English
  • The Bandai RX-78 was primarily a gaming machine, with two joysticks included. Software was released on ROM cartridges ("Sen'you Soft Cartridge") and compact cassettes ("Sen'you Tape Cassette").
  • In John 3:12 it has textual variant πιστευετε ("you believe") – instead of πιστευσετε ("you will believe") – along with the manuscripts Papyrus 75 and Uncial 083.
  • "Arigatō" (ありがとう "thank you"). Corruption of "yoku shita ne" (良くしたね "you did well, didn’t you?"). Other variants include "yoshitai yo" (よしたいよ) and "yōsasshatta" (ようさっしゃった).
  • The pronoun "you" triggers plural agreement regardless of whether it refers to one person or more (e.g., "You are the only one who can do this").
  • Here, "considers" is an attributive ditransitive verb. The direct object is "you". The object complement construction allows for the combination of the sentences "He considers you" and "You are a friend".

  • Abreu sings 'you say you listen but you never do' and 'you make me sad when I'm happy'.
  • The "Shuowen jiezi" defines "you" as "a kind of "jue" "large monkey", "you" is also said to be the Longxi Tianshui region word for "puppy" (玃屬一曰隴西謂犬子為猷).
  • In the first example, the restrictive relative clause "who has been deceived" specifies or defines the meaning of "him" in the independent clause, "Let him complain". In the second example, the non-restrictive relative clause "who have never known your family" describes "you" in the independent clause, "You see them standing around you".
  • In another example, one might say "That dress is you!" rather than "That dress is becoming to you," placing "you" in the nominative case rather than the expected objective case to emphasize the point being made.
  • Howard played the role of Russian ballet teacher in the comic play "You can't take it with you" at the B.C.S. Players' Club on February 6 and 7, 1950. The screenplay focuses on a Sycamore family from New York who believes in the philosophy of living now rather than trying to make a lot of money, because "you can't win with you".

  • During this time it has been recorded that while Kenadid was writing letters to his family with the unsuitable Arabic script, he said to himself: "you are Somali, you speak Somali, why don't you have Somali letters?" He then developed his own script, which bore no resemblance either to Arabic or to Latin, and began to teach it.
  • Pronouns included [...] 'we/us' (or just 'us', with [...] for 'we'; commonly spelled [...]), [...] 'you and I' / 'you and us', and [...] 'you (plural)'.
  • In addressing more than one person, the plural [...] is always used. For example, [...] " means "You" two leave, please!"). Here, although [...] and [...] both means "you", [...] can not be used.
  • Examples include: 'you shall live' as [...] instead of [...] , 'you shall inherit' as [...] instead [...] (Deuteronomy 5:33).
  • Ko sudah belajar "mi"? -> 'Have you studied?'. "Ko" derives from the informal Indonesian word "Kau", which stands for 'you'.

  • Some forms of the copula and auxiliaries often appear as contractions, as in "I'm" for "I am", "you'd" for "you would" or "you had", and "John's" for "John is". Their negated forms with following "not" are also often contracted (see [...] below). For detail see English auxiliaries and contractions.
© Icelandic-English dictionary 2024
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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