 Translation for 'to go' from English to Icelandic
VERB   to go | went | gone / [archaic] agone
going | goes
farato go
gangato go
2 Words: Others
Láttu til þín taka!Go ahead!
Af stað!Let's go!
Leggjum af stað!Let's go!
Við skulum koma okkur!Let's go!
Við skulum drífa okkur!Let's go!
2 Words: Verbs
fara um borðto go aboard
vera á skjön við e-ðto go against sth.
láta vaðato go ahead
halda áframto go ahead [continue, proceed]
to go apeshit [vulg.] [to go berserk]
ganga [fara á milli]to go around
kvisast (út) [e-ð hefur kvisast (út)] to go around [sth. is going around (like a rumor, gossip)]
fara aftur á bakto go backwards
skemmastto go bad
fara á hausinnto go bankrupt
fara í þrot
to go bankrupt
eyðileggjastto go bust
ærastto go crazy
fara yfir umto go crazy
ganga af göflunumto go crazy
sturlastto go crazy [coll.]
fara niðurto go downstairs
fara niður í bæto go downtown
fara á veiðarto go fishing
fara í kerfito go haywire
fara á veiðarto go hunting
ærastto go insane
ærastto go mad [insane]
myglato go mouldy [Br.]
ærastto go nuts [coll.]
fúlnato go off
varato go on
gerastto go on [happen]
slokknato go out [light, fire]
slökknato go out [light, fire]
fara útto go outside
ganga út fyrirto go outside
þagnato go quiet
eldroðnato go scarlet
fara versla [gera innkaup]to go shopping
gera innkaupto go shopping [Br.]
ganga vel [e-ð gengur vel]to go well [sth. is going well]
fara úrskeiðisto go wrong
2 Words: Nouns
milligöngumaður {k}go-between
3 Words: Others
í einum spretti {adv}in one go
3 Words: Verbs
ganga á vit e-sto go and consult sb.
ná í e-ðto go and get sth.
hafa sig eftir e-uto go and get sth.
fara á bak við e-nto go behind sb.'s back
fara með lest
to go by train
slá e-u föstuto go firm on sth.
iðka e-ðto go in for sth.
fara í felurto go into hiding
fjölyrða um e-ðto go on about sth.
fara um borðto go on board
ganga [fara á fæti]to go on foot
fara í fríto go on holiday
fara eftirlitsferðto go on patrol
hafa sig á burtto go one's way
hafa sig á brottto go one's way
ganga leiðar sinnarto go one's way
vinda sér e-ðto go somewhere fast
háttato go to bed
ganga til náðato go to bed
taka á sig náðirto go to bed
fara fram úr hófito go to excess
fara út í öfgarto go to extremes
fara norður og niðurto go to hell
fara í kerfito go to pieces
eyðileggjast [mölbrotna]to go to pieces [idiom] [of objects: disintegrate]
ganga úr sérto go to ruin
fara í skólann
to go to school
stunda sjómennsku
to go to sea
fara sofato go to sleep
ganga til náðato go to sleep
keyra um þverbakto go too far
unverified keyra fram úr hófito go too far [fig.]
silastto go very slowly
unverified fá útrásto let oneself go
láta e-ð viðgangastto let sth. go on
3 Words: Nouns
hringekja {kv}merry-go-round
snertilending {kv}
touch-and-go [landings­ followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice]
4 Words: Others
með árunum {adv}as years go by
Gerðu þekki fara.Please do not go.
4 Words: Verbs
ganga langt [í samningum]to go a long way [to appease another party]
fara alfarinnto go away for good
keyra um þverbakto go beyond the limit
fara fram úr hófito go beyond the limit
fara forgörðumto go down the drain
fara niður stigannto go down the stairs
fara í viðtalto go for an interview
unverified fylgjast aðto go hand in hand
unverified fara í fýluto go into a huff
leggja land undir fótto go on a journey
fara í pílagrímsferð
to go on a pilgrimage
ganga sinn vanagangto go on as usual
taka sig út úrto go one's own way
ganga langt [í samningum]to go to great lengths
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Translation for 'to go' from English to Icelandic

to go
að fara

að ganga

Go ahead!
Láttu til þín taka!
Let's go!
Af stað!

Leggjum af stað!

Við skulum koma okkur!

Við skulum drífa okkur!

to go aboard
að fara um borð
to go against sth.
að vera á skjön við e-ð
to go ahead
að láta vaða
to go ahead [continue, proceed]
að halda áfram
to go apeshit [vulg.] [to go berserk]
að fokreiðastorðtak
to go around
að ganga [fara á milli]
to go around [sth. is going around (like a rumor, gossip)]
að kvisast (út) [e-ð hefur kvisast (út)]
to go backwards
að fara aftur á bak
to go bad
að skemmast
to go bankrupt
að fara á hausinn

að fara í þrothagkerfi
to go bust
að eyðileggjast
to go crazy
að ærast

að fara yfir um

að ganga af göflunum
to go crazy [coll.]
að sturlast
to go downstairs
að fara niður
to go downtown
að fara niður í bæ
to go fishing
að fara á veiðar
to go haywire
að fara í kerfi
to go hunting
að fara á veiðar
to go insane
að ærast
to go mad [insane]
að ærast
to go mouldy [Br.]
að mygla
to go nuts [coll.]
að ærast
to go off
að fúlna
to go on
að vara
to go on [happen]
að gerast
to go out [light, fire]
að slokkna

að slökkna
to go outside
að fara út

að ganga út fyrir
to go quiet
að þagna
to go scarlet
að eldroðna
to go shopping
að fara að versla [gera innkaup]
to go shopping [Br.]
að gera innkaup
to go well [sth. is going well]
að ganga vel [e-ð gengur vel]
to go wrong
að fara úrskeiðis

milligöngumaður {k}

in one go
í einum spretti {adv}

to go and consult sb.
að ganga á vit e-s
to go and get sth.
að ná í e-ð

að hafa sig eftir e-u
to go behind sb.'s back
að fara á bak við e-n
to go by train
að fara með lestjárnbr.
to go firm on sth.
að slá e-u föstu
to go in for sth.
að iðka e-ð
to go into hiding
að fara í felur
to go on about sth.
að fjölyrða um e-ð
to go on board
að fara um borð
to go on foot
að ganga [fara á fæti]
to go on holiday
að fara í frí
to go on patrol
að fara eftirlitsferð
to go one's way
að hafa sig á burt

að hafa sig á brott

að ganga leiðar sinnar
to go somewhere fast
að vinda sér e-ð
to go to bed
að hátta

að ganga til náða

að taka á sig náðir
to go to excess
að fara fram úr hófi
to go to extremes
að fara út í öfgar
to go to hell
að fara norður og niður
to go to pieces
að fara í kerfi
to go to pieces [idiom] [of objects: disintegrate]
að eyðileggjast [mölbrotna]
to go to ruin
að ganga úr sér
to go to school
að fara í skólannmennt.
to go to sea
að stunda sjómennskuskip
to go to sleep
að fara að sofa

að ganga til náða
to go too far
að keyra um þverbak
to go too far [fig.]
unverified að keyra fram úr hófi
to go very slowly
að silast
to let oneself go
unverified að fá útrás
to let sth. go on
að láta e-ð viðgangast

hringekja {kv}
touch-and-go [landings­ followed immediately by takeoffs, e.g. for practice]
snertilending {kv}flug

as years go by
með árunum {adv}
Please do not go.
Gerðu það ekki fara.

to go a long way [to appease another party]
að ganga langt [í samningum]
to go away for good
að fara alfarinn
to go beyond the limit
að keyra um þverbak

að fara fram úr hófi
to go down the drain
að fara forgörðum
to go down the stairs
að fara niður stigann
to go for an interview
að fara í viðtal
to go hand in hand
unverified að fylgjast að
to go into a huff
unverified að fara í fýlu
to go on a journey
að leggja land undir fót
to go on a pilgrimage
að fara í pílagrímsferðtrúarbr.
to go on as usual
að ganga sinn vanagang
to go one's own way
að taka sig út úr
to go to great lengths
að ganga langt [í samningum]
Usage Examples English
  • Afonso was born in Coimbra. As the second son of King Afonso II of Portugal, he was not expected to inherit the throne, which was destined to go to his elder brother Sancho.
  • The death of Amalasuintha gave Justinian I a reason to go to war with the Ostrogoths and attempt to take Italy.
  • In this case, a visible photon or a characteristic X-ray is emitted, or a phenomenon known as the Auger effect may take place, where the released energy is transferred to another bound electron, causing it to go into the continuum.
  • England then achieved its first Ashes win at Lord's since 1934 to go 1–0 up.
  • Solomon wanted to commit suicide, but he thought a form of suicide appropriate to dadaism would be to go to a mental institution and demand a lobotomy.

  • Wudu is a practice that Muslims practice to go from ritual impurity to ritual purity.
  • This is a great exercise for stamina as the boxer isn't allowed to go at his own pace but that of the trainer, typically forcing the fighter to endure a higher output and volume than usual.
  • He also addressed replies to marchioness Vittoria Colonna, Claudio Tolomei, and other Italian sympathizers who were reluctant to go to the same length as himself.
  • Just after the atomic bombs exploded over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Russell wrote letters, and published articles in newspapers from 1945 to 1948, stating clearly that it was morally justified and better to go to war against the USSR using atomic bombs while the United States possessed them and before the USSR did.
  • Later Thor borrows Brísingamen when he dresses up as Freyja to go to the wedding at Jǫtunheimr.

  • While natural turn is used to travel short side and is underturned to go around the corners.
  • Einstein refused surgery, saying, "I want to go when I want.
  • By reuptaking the produced neurotransmitter, the level will go back down and ready to go back up upon excitation from a new nerve signal.
  • However, to go further requires new capacities that combine the clarity of intellectual thought with the imagination and with consciously achieved inspiration and intuitive insights.
  • It was a political series in which O'Hanlon gave tongue-in-cheek advice on how to go about becoming Taoiseach of Ireland.

  • Ruth opted to go on his trip, despite Barrow advising him that he was making a mistake; in any event, Ruth's asking price was too high for the notoriously tight-fisted Navin.
  • The cabinet had resolved to wait before dissolving Parliament; in early March they reconsidered, agreeing to go to the country as soon as possible.
  • Drivers can use APM function calls to notify the BIOS about CPU usage, but it is up to the BIOS to act on this information; a driver cannot directly tell the CPU to go into a power saving state.
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English only).
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